Weird PMD on Penny & Nickel

(Going through all my coins before I cash them in, so this is my first time actually learning about all this) But I have done a fair share of research!
First one up is a 1972(?) Nickel. Not sure why someone would do this, but the 72 is punched out? But there was just enough left to see that is was in fact a 7 and 2...
Second we have a very damaged penny, you can even tell there was a date or "liberty"! Also, the fact how it was so worn down, made Lincons face a bit unnerving! LOL!
Both PMD.
Welcome to the forum!
Looks like post mint damage.
Keep looking..... you will find a good one with more searching.
Alright, that's what I figured! But the nickel one was so weird- HAHA
Hope I'm replying correctly, and I dont need to like tag the previous comments?
You never know what people with too much time on their hands will do with a coin.
@Rayray6931.... Welcome aboard.... Yes PMD as others have said.... and no need for like or tag unless you want to. Cheers, RickO
That's for sure- I would just love to know why they decided to take out the 72 in the date and what it accomplished 😂
They did it to make someone come here and ask what it is.......and they accomplished it.
Thank you! I have found a delware spitting horse, so that was pretty neat! Its faint and isn't too significant, but still very cool to me
Looks like somebody used a nail set on the nickel.
As to why? Don't ask. Every possible reason under the sun for damaging coins has been tried at one time or the other. Figuring out why is guaranteed to drive you crazy.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Intentional PMD. Someone wanted to mess with future owners.