Is anyone able to identify these autographs on 3 Rawlings Gold Gloves any help appreciated!

Hi, I am new here this is my first post. I bought at a charity auction a number of autographed Rawlings gold gloves most autographed by gold glove winners. They did not know who signed them. I have been able to find most of the signers looking and looking. I have these three I can not find. If anyone who knows baseball can Identify who signed I would greatly appreciate any help. I have another box coming so I may ask again. Thanks for any help!
Look up gold glove winners and see what their uniform numbers were. That should help identify #11 & #17.
Hi Thanks. I did that for a number of them that had the year of the winner. I tried this and came up blank on these two as there was no year and some of the gloves goes back to the 1960 for signatures. I have tried looking up gold glove winners by uniform number and that has to many of the same and hard to identify by the signatures . Thank you for the idea. Have a great day.
Nr 17 is Ellis Valentine, Gold Glove in 1978 with the Expos
Thank You soooooo much! I really appreciate it.
I think the second one is probably Alfredo Griffin.
Steve you are amazing. I really appreciate your help. Is this a profession for you or just a great knowledgeable hobby.
Just a hobby