Anaheim Elks Club 1345 brass good for 50c token
Posts: 54 ✭✭
This 25mm Pentagon shaped, 4.8g brass good for 50c token also has 1345 lightly counter stamped on it. Anyone know if this has a listing somewhere and it's value?
1345 could be the club number
Took me less than 5 seconds on eBay.
Thanks I had googled it and that didn't come up. Next time I'll know to also check Ebay as well. Take care!
It's a "buy it now" not a completed sale. Pay no attention to the asking price because that is all it is, an asking price. Try to find a completed sale.
I can't imagine an Elk's 'good-for' that's worth 15 bucks !
Nice condition on that token.... Elk tokens seem to be fairly common and likely of value to members of the specific lodge...Cheers, RickO