some more silver bars to identify

I am looking at this group of interesting bars for someone.
None of these bars have any markings on the sides or bottom.
Upper-Left: International Vaults Refining, vault door logo, 5.30 troy oz. This one is pretty self-explanatory. I've seen a couple others listed for sale in the past. Apparently a scarce bar.
Upper-Right: Star Metals, star logo, 10.29 troy oz. I have seen a number of these for sale. So no mystery here.
Middle-Left: "LSMI", 5 troy oz. I am wondering what this stands for ? Perhaps "L--- Silver Metals Incorporated" ?
Middle-Right: "M2" (circle logo), 5.00 troy oz. I do not know this one at all.
Bottom-Left: "DMSI" (oval logo), 15.4 troy oz. I have seen one similar bar (with the same logo) being offered as a "DMS" bar, but I think it is actually "DMSI". I don't know what that stands for. Perhaps "D--- M--- Silver Incorporated" ?
Bottom-Right: Saguaro Cactus sunrise logo, 9.66 troy oz. This is perhaps the most interesting one to me. But I don't have any idea, what outfit may have produced it ?
I am new to collecting older bars and would purchase almost all of them. The only one of those I have is the Star brain in the upper right corner!!
Star bar, not brain!!
You've got bar on the brain
@dcarr.... I like that saguaro bar....Having lived in AZ for eight years, it would be nice memento piece of silver. Let me know if you identify a source. Cheers, RickO
LSMI - I have one each in 5 oz and 10 oz. The best I could come up with in my searching was "Lake Superior Mining Institute"
DMS - "Dallas Metals and Smelting Inc" . I've also seen this one referred to as "Dakota Mining Services", but less so than "Dallas Metals..."
mbogoman Lutho