Silver eagles, Giant quarters, bunch of stuff I know nothing about.

Hello, I’ve already started one thread on this and was referred here! So here it is, I know nothing about this stuff although I’m very confident it is all real silver. I have 18 silver eagles, 4 giant quarters, 5 Australian dollars, one Queen Elizabeth, one Barbie, 4 silver dollars and a bunch of pre 1964 quarters and a few dimes. Also is a 10oz silver bar and a silver butter knife. I’m really looking to get spot value for the non-coin silver and $3 over spot for the coins. I’m also not interested in separating, unless some sort of crazy offer presented itself. Again, I know nothing other than what I’ve learned from the members of this group and a little browsing on eBay, please be patient with me! Thanks for looking!
Great photos!

Is that some type of clip on that quarter in the above photo?
You might want to get photos of it and put it on the main board for responses.
Looks like your large ones might be these 4 oz ones.
Those are great photo's. Just so you know, the large rounds that we thought were 5oz ATB's (America the Beautiful), are not. They are some form of non-US Mint product, therefore they will not get the premium discussed in the other thread. You might have to take a discount on those.
Everything else, other than Barbie and the butter knife should get good prices.
The coins will get close to spot for 90% weight. The Kennedy Halves are only 40% silver
Just FYI
The 10oz Johnson Matthey Bar is probably something that'll get spot or better. If I was stacking right now, I'd want it.
Good luck!
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Thank you guys for the help! As far as the clip, I have no idea! It must be mixed in with those quarters and I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out! I'm not sure if it is silver or not!
Check your inbox. I sent you a PM
@bccox "As far as the clip, I have no idea!"
Let's try to get an it on the main board for responses.
Do your homework or prepare to get ripped off
I don't see a clip. Are you talking about the quarter with a staple on it or the quarter under the 10oz bar?
This one

Sorry I thought that was a staple. It does appear to be a clip.
Always a good idea to do your homework.
Ripped off....maybe....but many members here have integrity and don't want to lose it....maybe a bit harsh.
Ok. I sent bccox a PM over 9 hours ago, then posted over 2 hours ago to check their account because I sent a PM and still no response either by PM or post but he keeps asking everyone for help. Have fun everyone! I am out!🙄
Not sure what you're implying...
Maybe he didn't like your lowball offer...
Just FYI:
If you are eating the shipping and PayPal fees, you really should be able to match that price locally. If you want the buyer to eat the shipping and PayPal fees, it's going to be a tougher sell.
I know what you are implying! I never made him an offer. Your arrogance can only be topped by your ignorance. You don't know me. 🙄
I guess the smiley face means something else in your universe.
Call me crazy, but the dude should list it, add it all up and put a price on it. If it is reasonable, someone will buy it. If it is a little high, someone will make an offer.
I did exactly that. It’s in the BST category.
There are 37 quarters, 2 dimes, a 3 pence piece and a six pence piece. Total asking price is $1700 today(spot price is up) I will ship up to $15 cost. PayPal or Apple Pay are accepted.
Sale pending.