NewP - Oregon Trail Commem
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I found this little Anacs Oregon Trail Commem a couple weeks back and just got around to taking a couple shots.
It's got a golden hue that I really like and just starting to spread some edge toning these little holders are known for.
I've lived in Oregon for over 20 years now so i suppose it's about time I got one for myself.
Want to play guess the grade?
Very nice!
My first thought was 66, but @HoledandCreative beat me to it, so I’ll go 67. Looks nice!
The naked man on the obverse looks polished. What's up with that?
I'll guess MS65 if it was graded more than 10 years ago when I was looking at Commems. Today's MS67 may well be yesterday's MS65 when nobody cared about Registry Sets or CAC and you didn't get extra points for toning. Just to make it to "Gem" at 65 was all most cared about.
All that said, the Oregon Trail Comem is one of my favorites with a superb design.
I think it's just my lights are a bit too hot on that shot. I'm not a pro by any means taking photo's... I just put it under the two lamps, point, focus and shoot.
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65 from me. Nice one.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
65, tops.
I would say 65... Appear to be a lot of hairlines in the fields on the obverse Cheers, RickO
I thought that was most likely the case. I like the coin. Thanks for the feedback.
Good guesses everyone. I think it's pretty clean for MS64.
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Nice enough coin, although I prefer my commems with a bit more color. The coin might get a plus or a full grade bump by today's standards, but I'd probably leave it in the legacy ANACS slab, personally.