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It's been years!

SCTSCT Posts: 49 ✭✭✭

It's been about 7-8 years since I was active on the forum. I originally joined with the username LVGT. Somehow I cannot use that name anymore due to my email address changing, so in any event I have a new username. Some of the board members might remember that I started into this hobby by collecting CBH's. Given my budget at the time I tried to focus on eye appealing circulated examples with a handful of AU coins. I probably ended up buying and selling 70 or so CBH's during a several year period, then I decided to dedicate funds towards investing, became extremely busy with my career and with raising my family. I have always enjoyed looking at my collection through the years even though I was not actively adding to it.

I decided earlier this year to thin the heard. For now I will keep the CBH collection at 21 coins. 20 for the "Box of 20 CBH's" and one for long term "Type Set Box of 20". Building the collection and thinning the herd was a good reminder of what some of the lessons I learned along the way. Some of my favorite coins remain super eye appealing VF30 - XF40 grade examples, so you don't always have to go for the highest grade to enjoy them....there are actually many lessons but I won't get into that now. I will say I continue to come back to this message board because the knowledge one can gain here is invaluable and there are some really solid members here that helped me along the way.

I have always wanted to have a gold type set so that is my next adventure. It won't end up being the traditional 12 coin set. I definitely want to expand on it with early gold examples and have begun to do so. With the aid of some trusted dealers and the benefit of acquiring original examples from the Fairmont Hoard, I have been able to make some decent progress on this new collection. What hasn't taken long to realize is that gold is addicting and I like big coins! While the $1 gold pieces have a place in the set, they don't really do much for me. I naturally gravitate towards double eagles... What started out as a type set has now grown into a type set, plus early gold, plus double eagles! I figure that the early gold will always have a strong collector base and at least with the double eagles I have a chance of the metal bailing me out later in life if the numismatic premiums dwindle.

Well anyway, its good to be back. I can move from lurking to participating. I bought a copy stand so I can be more active posting photos. Here is a shot of an 1856 PCGS AU53 CAC that I picked up at the recent Fairmont auction.


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