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Some re-holders as my submissions start to make it through.

keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited August 19, 2020 2:55PM in U.S. Coin Forum

I sent three medal for re-holder to PCGS and the order posted with the images today.

The first two were to get them into the newer format holder and out of the style that I really didn't like. The old ones were opaque with a thin sheet of plastic between the layers that made them visually distracting to me. Also, they were larger than the present style and the two I hadn't made storage and handling awkward. I know it sounds silly to some, but I like things to be uniform.

With the third medal, it's one I purchased a little over a year ago and it was mis-holdered, placed in a standard thickness capsule which allowed the high relief obverse to come into contact with the holder. I requested PCGS to please examine it and make sure there was no damage done to the medal, followed by encapsulation in a thicker holder. Judging by the images everything is OK.

I also have two additional crossover orders: two Walkers with grades already posted but no images and a monster-medal that has crossed but not yet posted. I only know that because of e-mails with PCGS due a screw-up I made on the submission form.

Al H.


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