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Carved up, worn down, common date Morgan Dollar auctions for $19,200 but it has a bit of history...

WinLoseWinWinLoseWin Posts: 1,580 ✭✭✭✭✭

Carved up, worn down, common date Morgan Dollar auctions for $19,200 but it has a bit of history going for it.

Noticed this in Stack's Bowers session 3 results of their August auction. Usually five figure items would be in their Rarities session, so doubt it was expected to bring this much. Never heard of this coin before seeing the listing.

Much interesting history and info in the lot description way beyond the heading pasted below. Includes some comments from Q. David Bowers and Roger Burdette. (Perhaps it should have been certified as a Specimen since Roger Burdette is so fond of the term. :) )
The First 1879-O Morgan Dollar Struck on an Adjusted Planchet

Engraved to Mrs. Clementine Cahn, Foreman of the Adjusters

Likely Unique

THE FIRST DOLLAR ADJUSTED IN THE NEW ORLEANS MINT By MRS. C. CAHN on an 1879-O Morgan Silver Dollar. EF Details--Engraved (NGC).


"To Be Esteemed Be Useful" - 1792 Birch Cent --- "I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain." - Lily Tomlin


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