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CoinJunkie's 7000th Post GIVEAWAY! *** WINNERS ANNOUNCED ***

CoinJunkieCoinJunkie Posts: 8,772 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited August 14, 2020 9:21AM in U.S. Coin Forum


My friend lives in zip code 90065 (Los Angeles). So the correct answer was 56009.

!st Place: @AstroJoe (54417)
2nd Place: @Batman23 (54321)

Honorable mention: ElmerFusterpuck (60606)

Thanks again to everyone who entered and for the nice comments.

Yes, Folks, it's that moment you've all been waiting for with bated breath: my 7000th post giveaway! :)

In appreciation for all of the knowledge, humor, and camaraderie the membership has bestowed upon me over the years, I offer a couple of humble numismatic prizes. The rules are simple:

Simply post a number between 00000 and 99999. The "correct answer" is my best friend's home zip code in reverse. Whoever comes closest gets his/her choice of the prizes. Whoever comes next closest wins the remaining prize. Please post only once to the thread. Edited posts will be disqualified. Entries must be posted by Friday, August 14th @ 9AM PST (Pacific).

Thanks for playing, and good luck!

Prize 1: 1962 5C PCGS PR67 (Rainbow-toned obverse)

Prize 2: 1952 10C PCGS MS66 (Blue toning, undergraded in my opinion)



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