15th century Prime Number set newp

Picked up this 1481 Dubbele Briquet from Brabant recently. It pushes back the start of my Prime Number set two years.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Very cool. What is the earliest dates coin available for your set?
Latin American Collection
Assuming for now that I stick with AD-dated coins, which is the plan, I should be able to go into the 14th century in theory. There's a list of early dated coins by year somewhere online, or at least there was. I can't currently find it. Levinson book on early AD dated coins would give me the answer.
If I were to use AH-dated coins, I could push back another few hundred numbers, since it's currently 1441. I could go all the way back to 2 if I used regnal years. I could also jump into larger numbers with other calendars.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
This might help. http://www.medievalcoinage.com/index.htm
The second edition of Bob Levinson's book is out. The missing years
start at 1464 A.D. going back in time. For this date, yes I know it is not
a prime number, will be an Islamic coin. If you don't have Bob's book
just PM me and I will try to help. The above link is rather thorough, but
there might be some missing coins 1431-64. Bob has added dozens of
new coins thru out his book. Really enjoying the read.
I think I see the parts of a lion in there .... I dig it. ⭐️
Two lions. Rampant combatant, no less.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Thanks. That's the site I was looking for. It looks like the earliest would be 1453 if I wanted a contiguous run, based on what's there.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution