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Dalton, GA coin show BRNA



  • BLUEJAYWAYBLUEJAYWAY Posts: 9,319 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @amwldcoin said:
    Thought I would update.
    The show is slowly filling up with dealers. All the tables are supposedly sold...probably 3/4 full when I left at 5.
    The convention center trumped the BRNA and everyone who enters the facility must wear a mask. Yeah!
    Everyone has a temperature check at check in and must wash their hands with sanitizer everytime they enter the facility. They have an automatic hands free dispenser when you enter.
    They are staying on top of people who become lax with their masks.
    I'm happy with what I have been able to buy so far!
    There's supposed to be a pessimistic news crew show up tomorrow who hope to denigrate the show. This could be interesting!
    So far I am comfortable with the way things are going.

    Hope they keep the masks on once inside. My local Walmart has a security guard at the entrance requiring the mask. But once inside many drop it down to the neck.

    Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
  • amwldcoinamwldcoin Posts: 11,269 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Did you read this line?

    @BLUEJAYWAY said:

    @amwldcoin said:

    They are staying on top of people who become lax with their masks.

    Hope they keep the masks on once inside. My local Walmart has a security guard at the entrance requiring the mask. But once inside many drop it down to the neck.

  • Pnies20Pnies20 Posts: 2,331 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I will be there tomorrow!!! Staying in Chattanooga with a friend overnight after the show 🍻

    BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.

  • amwldcoinamwldcoin Posts: 11,269 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Stop by and introduce yourself. I'm at table 502 watching everyone as they come in. I'll show you my 98 Barber Half that some here seem to think is a dipped out POS! B)

    @Pnies20 said:
    I will be there tomorrow!!! Staying in Chattanooga with a friend overnight after the show 🍻

  • Pnies20Pnies20 Posts: 2,331 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @amwldcoin said:
    Stop by and introduce yourself. I'm at table 502 watching everyone as they come in. I'll show you my 98 Barber Half that some here seem to think is a dipped out POS! B)

    @Pnies20 said:
    I will be there tomorrow!!! Staying in Chattanooga with a friend overnight after the show 🍻


    BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.

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