@JeffMTampa said:
I play ice hockey in 2 leagues. I'm 65 and most of the people I'm playing with/ against are in their 20's to 40's. They keep me VERY active on the ice.
Hockey is a year round sport in Florida. There are four 12 week seasons a year with a week off between. It's very popular; thousands of teams in Florida!
For some reason this reminds me of a 90 some year old fellow who happened into a coin shop, one day. Being 65 myself, I asked him how he kept so fit and happy. He said " I took Sally Gross' advice."
"Okay ", I said, "who is Sally Gross ? ". He said ; " She was my mother, who said ...'if you want to stay young, run with the young ! If you want to get old, try to keep up with them"
I’m a technician, not the most back breaking job but one the requires physical and mental activity. I’m pretty much on the go from 7-2. It keeps me active enough and rewarding at the same time.
W.C.Fields "I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
For some reason this reminds me of a 90 some year old fellow who happened into a coin shop, one day. Being 65 myself, I asked him how he kept so fit and happy. He said " I took Sally Gross' advice."
"Okay ", I said, "who is Sally Gross ? ". He said ; " She was my mother, who said ...'if you want to stay young, run with the young ! If you want to get old, try to keep up with them"
Beautiful scenery in that field. Were you hunting wild pheasant?
I’m a technician, not the most back breaking job but one the requires physical and mental activity. I’m pretty much on the go from 7-2. It keeps me active enough and rewarding at the same time.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Riding the bike (in the pasture) makes for a decent workout. This is not as fun as golf but the effects are as beneficial
Partridge mostly, an occasional chukar & pheasant. All wild, no pen-raised birds for us.