1916 Mercury Dime Grade?

I believe I have a nice 1916 Mercury Dime but I’m struggling with the grade ...
and I do believe it has FBs as well. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I believe I have a nice 1916 Mercury Dime but I’m struggling with the grade ...
and I do believe it has FBs as well. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
The images look very different, but if I had to guess, I’d go with AU details, cleaned (edited to add: or polished).
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Looks cleaned from the photos. Definitely FB though.
It appears to have been cleaned,,,,no grade.
Looks polished to me...worse than cleaned
One set of images makes it look like it might be polished while the other photos are just a mess.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I really do not believe it’s been cleaned guys, it’s shiny and has a lot of luster I just tried different ways to photograph it and never could get any
Sorry for the poor pictures will do better next time
The pics make the coin look grainy. Not sure what I’m looking at.
The pics are grainy but the coin is def not. In hand it’s shiny and has a luster I’m gonna try not to zoom in as much and see if that helps
Hard to tell by the pics. Could possibly be whizzed, which would give it a fake luster.
Oh well I tried to get a good pic but I think it’s perfect and am gonna send it to be graded so I will just take my chances. I bought it from someone I trust.
Let us know how it grades. Hope the best for you.
Thank you!
The cost to get the coin graded it almost certain to be more than the value of the coin, once it receives a grade. There are less expensive ways to get a sight-seen opinion, such as showing it to one or two local dealers.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
I believe that the coin is perhaps worth 125-250 with FullBands so I’m gonna chance it. I will send it with some others I have as to cut down on the overhead. But, thank you for the advice I will certainly consider it.
Just run it by a local dealer. 1916 Mercs come nice, yours looks altered surfaces.
Do not confuse shine with luster. Shiny is generally a bad thing in regards to coins unless it is a proof or prooflike. Luster flows around a coin, shine just reflects light.
Collector, occasional seller
I posted one not too long ago that graded 64FB, compare yours to it.
Collector, occasional seller
My first impression was cleaned or otherwise altered surfaces. The additional photos just drove that point home even more. For a series that isn’t known to produce coins with frosted devices, it’s all but impossible to get a photo to show frosted devices on a coin with natural surfaces. You’ve shown frost in multiple shots.
I am not sure what you mean by “frosted devices” could someone explain or point me in the right direction ty
'Frosted devices' is the term used to describe the condition of mirrored fields and flat/white indicia...Coin photography can be difficult - as you are experiencing. The members above are giving you their best evaluation based on the pictures....The advice to run it by a local expert or two is a good idea, saves money. Let us know what you do and results.... Good luck, Cheers, RickO
Forgive my ignorance, but what is the difference between the two? And what "look" do cleaned/polished coins have that can be seen in these pics? It seems like all you knowledgeable people say that it's cleaned.
Successful BST transactions with: Cameonut, Rob41281
With no disrespect - if you aren't familiar with the term "frosted devices" and based on the various images provided, it doesn't appear that you're in a good position to be able to grade and estimate the value of the coin.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Well thank you for the comment I am relatively new, and others Are as well at collecting.
I obtained this coin from a trusted seller and am looking to preserve and keep it in my collection. I will send it in with others as to cut down on overhead but anyway thank you for the advice!
You are doing the right thing by sending it in to be graded. An economy submission is not that much money and it will be considered by probably at least two graders and a finalizer. The quality of opinion is worth something.
It appears to be to be a problem coin ... perhaps even a very high quality modern counterfeit that has had the surfaces worked on to make it look more authentic. It's a coin I would decline to purchase if offered to me.
It has cartwheel luster. I agree that the pictures are a poor quality. In the future I will not post such pics
It is cleaned.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
This is not my series, so take this with a grain of salt. When I first saw the images, I thought not genuine and it still looks off to me. I certainly could be wrong. I am also eager to hear what PCGS will have to say about it.
The only way to be certain that the luster is original and complete it to check cartwheel.
This is one of those threads I don't understand. Bad pictures are posted. An opinion is requested. Then all opinions are ignored. Why bother?
My first thought was counterfeit as well. Based on just gut instinct...nothing definitive.
Best case scenario, polished to death and/or whizzed.
The only explanation I can come up with is that such threads are seeking (only) positive affirmation.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
I have tried to capture this coin as best as I could, it has cartwheel luster and I’m not discounting anyone’s opinion based on the previous photos. Like I said they were a poor representation. I just know what I know I have it in hand and it’s my fault. I do appreciate everyone’s opinion although I may not take it.
It looks better in those photos, although I'm still not sure it's worth slabbing
I just blew up those photos and the coin looks the same. Confirmation to me that it won't straight grade. FWIW to anyone else.
Cropped for OP. Looks much better in these pics, appears to have good luster. I can't say anything about grade though.

Collector, occasional seller
Look, you seem dead set on sending it in to grade so be it, you'll find out soon enough , and you'll learn better I am sure, it is a good experiment if you so desire it.
These are experienced comments here, fwiw, also you keep stating bought from a trusted seller. Many of us have heard that line too often, so don't take it badly if it is being questioned.
Just at least promise to share the grades and slab pics when you get it