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When one has extra time on their hands...

joeykoinsjoeykoins Posts: 16,239 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited July 29, 2020 5:26PM in U.S. Coin Forum

This is one piece of art that will keep you out of trouble. Lol.
Boy, every person is blessed with some sort of gift or two. Very talented, I think anyway. :)

"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!

--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.


  • ShaunBC5ShaunBC5 Posts: 1,729 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That's cool. I like that a lot more than just punching a hole so a string/chain will go through it.

  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,424 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Not bad 🙂

  • BryceMBryceM Posts: 11,798 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I don’t always have too much time on my hands but when I do, I often look at dealer websites and find things I just can’t live without. Good thing I have a place to go during the workday.

  • joeykoinsjoeykoins Posts: 16,239 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 29, 2020 6:13PM

    I like how he even kept the "stars" on the edge of the moon. As well as, the old good planet Earth! B)
    There's no way to tell the date, right?

    "Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!

    --- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
  • privatecoinprivatecoin Posts: 3,432 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The challenge now is figuring out the date... 197?

    Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc

  • joeykoinsjoeykoins Posts: 16,239 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 30, 2020 7:04AM

    @privatecoin said:
    The challenge now is figuring out the date... 197?

    If you look close where I circled, can we assume that this is a (4)1974? ;)

    Now to try to determine the Mint mark?

    "Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!

    --- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
  • JimnightJimnight Posts: 10,846 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sounds nice ... I'll start dremeling tonight.

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    There are those that specialize in this type of coin jewelry. We have an annual Garlic Festival here (second largest in the U.S.) and usually one booth with coin jewelry of this type is there....Lots of different coins cut out, usually set up as necklaces. Cheers, RickO

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