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Venue for Selling Franklins?

badgerbadger Posts: 1,217 ✭✭✭

Just found that I had ten PCGS Franklins mixed in with my Jefferson Proofs. Thought that I had sold all the Franklins years ago. These are middle of road grades, FBL, toned (some pretty and some ehh), and CAC. Last time sold via Heritage who did a great job with them. Advised some to go for upgrade and they all hit. Was never a Franklin expert here.

So, how is the Franklin market now? Any suggestions on best venue? I sell lots of proofs on EBay so can easily do that. And one coin is high enough book to make it worthwhile for Heritage.

(OK. In typing this, I may have answered my question on venue lol.)

Collector of Modern Silver Proofs 1950-1964 -- PCGS Registry as Elite Cameo

Link to 1950 - 1964 Proof Registry Set
1938 - 1964 Proof Jeffersons w/ Varieties


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