@rte592 said:
All I see is a decimal point.
I'll go out on a limb and say....
-4% of your total lost in the hidden reject slots.
Contrary to popular belief, the 5-6 times when I was able to check the internal reject bin, only a few damaged coins and an occasional Ike dollars or 2 are kept. No where close to the 4% unaccounted for.
I imagined Apollo Global ( owner of Coinstars) do not want any controversy in miscounting changes for fear of lawsuits.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Very cool between hundreds and thousands.
So watch coho bet $208.01 & derryb 207.99. Lol
And they'll both do it with simple keystrokes no less.
All low so far...
34.6# = a $411.40 ecard for Lowe’s
No silver, but 6.7 euro and $0.89 Canadian in the reject slot.
All I see is a decimal point.
I'll go out on a limb and say....
-4% of your total lost in the hidden reject slots.
Contrary to popular belief, the 5-6 times when I was able to check the internal reject bin, only a few damaged coins and an occasional Ike dollars or 2 are kept. No where close to the 4% unaccounted for.
I imagined Apollo Global ( owner of Coinstars) do not want any controversy in miscounting changes for fear of lawsuits.
What did I win?
Wow... that is a pile of change....and you did not leave any for the reject slot hunters....
Cheers, RickO
Not sure what it has to do with precious metals but I will guess 681.11. Thanks!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.