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My Silver Eagles Cost Then What Premiums Are Now!

philographerphilographer Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭✭✭

A day of sorting through old files. Came across the receipt for my first roll of silver eagles from 1992. $5.50 each and $2.00 shipping for 10. I was a poor newlywed child at the time, so I bought only 10 at a time. Man, that approach cost me an extra $2.00 in shipping 😜--could have saved if I bought them all at once!

Hard to believe the cost of these eagles then is around the premium people are paying today.

I still have these BTW. And who doesn’t love shipping costs of $2.00?

I'll stop now. Reminds me of my dad telling me that candy bars were a nickel and a movie was 10 cents!

He who knows he has enough is rich.


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