Do you think those cash for gold places will make a comeback?

With the extra unemployment ending and the virus coming back strong with shutdowns, do you think we will see the cash for gold sleaze spots come back?
I personally hated them, I respect entrepreneurs but it felt like they were ripping off people who really needed the money.
The last recession it felt like they were on every corner in every city. and then disappeared within a year once gold started going down.
I hope they dont come back, have you seen them come back in yoru area? Do you think theyll come back?
yes, with curbside service
and don't rule out silver
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Yep. For certain.
Yes, doubt they will be interested much in silver this go round but if they can swindle grandpa's silver collection for $5 an ounce they probably will.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Interesting that there would be any gold left after their many pervasive years in business...
He who knows he has enough is rich.
Some of you may recall the highly advertised and anticipated “parties” that those dealers would throw when they came in to a larger city and large venueS to stick the uneducated, hard.
I tried my best to steer friends and family away but they really looked at it as a festival and selling orgy. A regular social event like a yard sale or Amway meeting. Where they could dress up and sell their jewelry, coins, etc..
gold is like water, it never disappears. It just comes back in a cleaner form.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I helped out a local shop set up his accounting years ago and still stop in from time to time. He is doing land-office business - he buys bullion as well as scrap to melt.
Still buying and selling. No spam intended. I'm one of a handful of sleaze bags.
Yes I do!
I have not seen any of the quick set up operations here.... Still a couple of antique shops and a pawn shop offering to buy gold...but they have offered that for years. I do expect if the rise in the market continues for a week or so, those fly by night operations will be popping up all over. Cheers, RickO
Can't stand the pukes! I hassled them I front of their customers!