1987 RPM .....would this classify as one?

So....after just about going through $50 of pennies I got from the bank to only find that half of them had been cleaned with what looks like a piece of sand paper. I did come across this coin? Is it a RPM
Try to match it up here.
http://www.varietyvista.com/02b LC RPMs Vol 2/RPMs 1987D.htm
Unless there are more than one type, no. I found this one recently.
Good link there are at least 13 different types...Maybe 14 now. Help @mannie gray
very nice 501. i had no idea there were such nice RPMs on that fairly modern coinage.
No what you have is called split plate doubling. The copper layer is stretched when the coin is struck with the die and split to expose the zinc core (the silver you see under the mintmark).
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I agree with you about the split plate doubling.
But I think I see some repunching above the bottom serif and to the west of the vertical bar.
It kind of resembles the repunching seen on coppercoins' RPM-018, but it is not that variety because the mintmark position is wrong.
@Kana808 ...have you checked Wexler?
Yeah I under stand the split plate doubling where the gray area is but if you look at the serif there is a clear doubling with a notch. its kinda crazy....
@mannie gray no I have not checked Wexlers....
@LanceNewmanOCC what is a 501?
So update...I checked every place from Wexlers to vista and none of them match up...I wonder if this is a coin I should submit as a new variety? I have this gut feeling its a RPM because you can clearly see the notch in the Serif's on the bottom of the D.
I also apologize for the late reply back, I live in hawaii and between down time with making sure im hurricane ready im searching coins. lol
I do see the split anomaly at the base.... My suggestion is to submit it....Worth a try. Cheers, RickO
@ricko not sure how to submit it but I did email James at varietyvista and sent him photos, lets see....
yours is rpm 3 on the list from variety vista. this is a good thing because it means you have the FS-501.
if you don't know what that means and you searches for rpm, ddo, etc, umm, it is time to learn.
I thought 501s were levi’s
Got a small storm coming here too. Well just south of us in Corpus but nice tropical breeze and maybe some rain later. Surfs up!
I think it is a RPM as well and I couldn't find a match either.
Above the serif and to the west of the vertical of the D sure look like repunching to me.
RPMs from the 80s are not easy to find.
I did see that but in truth it looks more like MD than an RPM to me.
The op's coin is not a match for RPM3 on VV, in fact it does not match any of the listed RPM's so it is either MD or a new RPM.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
i was referring to coinscratchfever's coin. a very nice rpm for the period.
Ok as you quoted the OP Kana I thought you were responding to him.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
tyvm. after i told catscratchfever they had the 501 i see NOW that kana asked what the 501 was and not being familiar with either of them i thought it was naturally catscratch that asked me that as i was kinda anticipating the question but the question came from someone else. lol @ me
good i hope i didn't cause TOO much confusion on that one. i have no idea which if any RPM the OP coin is, only catscratch.
Who’s on first 🤣
I do believe that you have a new RPM. Unless it is a lighting trick, the split series of the D don't lie.
Have John Wexler take a look, maybe you can be in his column in Coin World.
Not a huge discovery by any stretch, but neat nonetheless.
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
I totally agree because machine doubling would be
somewhat even from top to bottom of the west side. But as you can see there is a clear doubling progressively increasing towards the south.
Cool find, let us know what happens.
Hunker down dude, somewhere on the beach with a hot chick 😅 she’s headed north of you but should bring some great surf nonetheless. Where is @Paradisefound when you need her 🔥🌼🌞
It's always good being off the cone ...... though I am loving the rain! No surfing nor fishing today just plants plants plants
whatcha got growing?
There you are
What does that mean?
End of discussion? sentence? I was absent that day.