Mint damage or nature damage?

I have several coins that I do not know if they were damaged during mint processing OR by unnatural circulation! Could someone please look at pics and give me an idea? Pics are collages and REVERSE are diagonal to OBVERSE in each collage.
Welcome to the forum!
All are post mint damage (PMD).
unnatural circulation
edited to add: welcome to the forum and nice images/presentation.
Major mint errors are close to impossible for one person to find.
So the odds that one person found four, well, the odds just do not line up.
Sorry to say that all of those coins are PMD. Post Mint Damaged
Welcome to the forum
i almost called the 19p a reverse strike through but it seemed to be outside the range of all strike-throughs i've seen.
The 19P obverse looks like a fragment of metal? lodged within.
Damaged, you can see the deep one flattening out the obverse by the date.
Thank you for the info. I'm going to post a microscope pic of the 19P. Better view of date area.
Sorry but all your coins are PMD.
The 1919 gave me pause, but I think all are PMD...
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Oooh, those poor coins. Even when they make mistakes, the Mint is kinder to coins than that. All of that happened in circulation.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
To me, those scratched up coins look like they had a run in with your washer and dryer. I always get coins out of the washer and dryer like that when I forget to check my pockets, lol!
Welcome to the message boards!
Were any of these found in a parking lot or 200 year old safe? If so, you'll fit right in here.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
All are Post Mint Damage nothing special
Aug 11th
@Jennyz.... Welcome aboard.... All those coins suffer from Post Mint Damage (PMD)....If you are interested in error coins, you could get a copy of the Cherry Pickers Guide (two volumes) to help you in your search. Good luck, Cheers, RickO
Thx for all comments! I was just curious because going through a bunch of coins that I have these did stand out to me and I had no clue if they were damaged or mint error! I certainly know now... PMD!
There are countless ways for a coin to get damaged in circulation but only a limited number of ways an error can occur at the mint. As you learn about the minting process it will become easier to separate the damaged coins (you'll find lots) from the errors (even the minor ones are hard to find).
Learning anything new takes some time, so if you interested in errors, do some research about the minting process.