Metal Porn! Don't you die on me!

You guys might recall I picked up a set of mid-century cufflinks end of January.
By a listed Guadalajara, Mexico silversmith "RMS".
The design is great--very tribal. And the turquoise is unlike most blue southwestern turquoise. Also the style just reminds me of Nudie Cohn and his "Nudie Suits" of dazzling rhinestones and embroidery that were worn by Porter Wagoner, Gram Parsons, Hank Williams, etc.
But what really drew me to them was how detailed they are hallmarked. They don't just say "RMS 925". Each is signed:
Hand Made
Guad Mex
And I think that's just the coolest
Anyway, I was researching them a little recently and came across another piece. this time a brooch, by the same silversmith. Similar material and design, but opposite: Where the turquoise is the background and the silver is the design. So I picked it up. You can find other pieces by the artist out there, but I think these are some of the coolest.
Pick up anything interesting this week?
--Severian the Lame
Quite interesting pieces.
When were these made - 1950's??
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
Very cool!
My YouTube Channel
Technically they should have been made pre-1948. That's when the Mexican government started to require their silversmiths use an eagle mark bearing a number identifying the silversmith. It's my understanding that enforcement was spotty and lots of smiths shared eagle marks for a variety of reasons. These don't bear an eagle mark, so they should be earlier than 1948.
But I kind of doubt it. My guess is the same as yours: 1950s. Possibly a little earlier, maybe a little later.
--Severian the Lame
Very nice.... Turquoise jewelry was all the rage for a while... used to have some myself. Those pieces are exceptional and not the volume stuff that flooded the market for a few years. Cheers, RickO
The weekly Friday thread is getting slowly killed out by the "Never Ending Friday" one... I'm guilty of posting in there myself.
Here's my contribution to the Metal Porn this week.
Of course... a couple Nevada souvenirs.
This 1oz round is a little blurry, I'll probably re-shoot it - Minted and struck in Virginia City by the Marshall Mint in 2011.
It's a busy design both front & back but I like it.
Also picked this up as a possible P-01 candidate at a little shop in Carson City

Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
From the other day.

My YouTube Channel
Pawn store pickup today at what I think was a good price.
These are awesome! Great workmanship. I love the cuff links with the indian and headdress. Before the virus, I only wore shirts with French cuffs. Haven’t worn those since March 10 though! Now it’s only tennis shirts and Zoom meetings. 😬
Like the brooch, but for brooches, it’s not very feminine! Don’t know how many women would wear it.
He who knows he has enough is rich.
Thanks. Better shots of the cufflinks:
--Severian the Lame
What the hell. Some random bullion to get your heart pumping. Can I get a pulse?!!
--Severian the Lame
Ah, what the heck, here’s smoe liquid gold I bought at the height of the pandemic from ‘my local city’ Pantry

Normally the Mac25 runs around $2,500.

I must first preface, I’m very fortunate to be a so-called ‘essential’ cog in the wheel and in great demand. I’ve been flying my coconuts off. My hula-shack in Hawaii has been more like a pitstop than a home. So, in April, after my tithe, normal expenses and a donation to a local family-in-need, I had enough to buy this bottle for well below meltski,...$1,486.00! :-)

Last week, at the same Pantry, $2,550. I’m a grand in the black, cheewhooo! They had a Mac30 for $3,300 if anyone’s interested. ;-)
Dude. That's killer.
Stay safe. Local friend had to get some hours in to keep his license. His copilot tested positive! He's fine so far, though.
--Severian the Lame
Nice I like
@renman95 ... That Macallan 25 is a great scotch. I purchased a bottle years ago when coming out of England from a business trip... duty free and much, much cheaper then. Gone now, but my friends enjoyed it... Cheers, RickO
Glad to hear your ok Renman! We’ve had a rash of guys testing positive in the last 2 weeks.

Here are some recents purchases for your viewing pleasure...
Overdate, BestMR, Weather11AM, TDEC1000, Carew4me, BigMarty58, Coinsarefun, Golfer72, UnknownComic, DMarks, JFoot13, ElKevvo, Truthteller, Duxbutt, TwoSides2aCoin, PerryHall, mhammerman, Papabear, Wingsrule, WTCG, MillerJW, Ciccio, zrlevin, dantheman984, tee135, jdimmick, gsa1fan, jmski52, SUMORADA, guitarwes, bstat1020, pitboss, meltdown, Schmitz7, 30AnvZ28, pragmaticgoat, wondercoin & MkMan123
Latest haul this week...
Copper newp.

My YouTube Channel
renman- update on daughter's singing career, por favor.
@topstuf... All 17 of those in one buy?? Or just your slabbed stack? Cheers, RickO
Here’s some of my silver. I have more😊
I don’t think I’ve desired an object more in my life than this early 1400s spoon!
Yep. Did a "bullion" increase a while back. Oh, and it's only a partial.
WOW! Is this yours, @kiyote , or is it just a dream?
--Severian the Lame
highly desirable
Although the subject is Precious, it's not a Metal.