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PCGS Rarities holder for Rarities - Morelan, Hansen, etc.



  • ZoinsZoins Posts: 34,353 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 11, 2021 10:56AM

    @Luxor said:
    In addition to agreeing completely with TomB that those holders are an "epic fail", they are so few and far between they are basically a non entity to 99.8% of the coin collecting population IMO.

    99.8% isn't rare.

    These rarities holders are for rarities, so it's fitting that the holders are rare too ;)

    Also, I fail to understand the point of those prong inserts in general for coins with a plain edge? Does anyone actually want to view the edges of a Lincoln cent or Jefferson nickel, etc?

    That's an interesting question. You might be able to get an answer on the Q&A forum.

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