Before I crack...more George III c/m's
You guys have been top notch when it comes to spotting concerning details when it comes to authenticating both the stamps and hosts with these 👆
Knowing that certification doesn't necessarily guarantee that all is well, what do you say to these before I crack em out and put them in the cabinet?
I would not crack them out myself. Not because I doubt they are real, just seems like a waste and a loss of a guarantee!
I would not crack. The toning seems terminal and PCGS doesn't favor this look in grading. My concern would be a no grade.
Latin American Collection
I would absolutely agree with this based on the photos posted 😊
The only thing terminal about them is my ability to take a decent picture 🤪
The loss of guarantee is definitely the concern here. Authenticating these is a headache and plastic doesn't act as a foolproof guarantee either...
I do larger submissions from time to time, so if I really needed to get them back in slabs, popping a couple more coins in doesn't hurt much.
The Charles IV I picked up from Julian 8-10 years ago, it's has perfect grey dirt surfaces.
The Charles III is recent from CNG, I paid a bit too much, but it has amazing color and retained luster.
Both are 45's.
Most of what I buy gets submitted and resold later, anything I decide to hold onto for my collection gets cracked or stays raw...that's just the way I am.
CNG pics of the CIII...trying to dig up better pics of the CIV

Found these images of the CIV, I never had pics done of this one for some reason. These could be Julian's, or mine from long ago...
If so, I suck even more than before at coin photography 😄