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How many reverse varieties of PCGS Gen 6.0 slabs are out there?

U1chicagoU1chicago Posts: 5,768 ✭✭✭✭✭

Just looking at the reverses of the latest PCGS holders, I've seen quite a few different examples. Are there more out there?

  1. QR code close to hologram

  2. QR code away from hologram

  3. Appearance of gold crest next to PCGS

  4. NFC technology, no QR code, gold crest still there

  5. No QR code...early bulk orders only per linked thread:


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    messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,793 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 5, 2020 11:58AM

    I count 4. No shield with and without QR code, shield with QR, shield with NFC. The variation in vertical position of the QR code seems to be nothing more than printing position variance. The no shield, no QR used to be for bulk grading.

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    U1chicagoU1chicago Posts: 5,768 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @messydesk said:
    I count 4. No shield with and without QR code, shield with QR, shield with NFC. The variation in vertical position of the QR code seems to be nothing more than printing position variance. The no shield, no QR used to be for bulk grading.

    I'm considering it as two varieties since it's different enough and I've seen several of each type.

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