New Seller *** Need Tips

Hello! I recently inherited a large coin collection from my grandmother and am trying to sell it. I started with ebay, but the fees are way too much. I posted some on Coin Book, but haven't got any responses. I'm hesitant to bring it to the collector near me as he seems scammy. Does anyone have suggestions? I bought the most recent red book and am trying to go through and see what everything is worth.
I have a 1955 DDO penny, along with completed blue books of buffalo nickels, franklin half dollars, standing liberty half dollars and quarters, mercury dimes, roosevelt dimes. Along with commemorative coins listed on my coin book account. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
I'm mainly wondering what to do with the completed blue books. The stuff on my coin book isn't worth much so I may try ebay for those.
For starters post pictures of the better coins on the US Coin Forum and you’ll get some of the best free advice in the world.
OK, I took a look at your postings on the Coin Book. I'm going to be flat out honest - please don't take any offense as none is meant. All of what you have posted for sale are what are commonly referred to as "widgets", or in other words, common, plentiful coins. Your prices are a bit "rich" and I think that is why you haven't received any offers.
You mention completed blue books in some series. If they are truly complete with all of the key date/mint mark coins, you may have some value. But if they are just "one coin per year books", then it's less likely. Also, if the 55 DDO is authentic, you've got a winner that would probably benefit from certification and grading (there are a lot of fakes of this coin out there).
Post some clear, sharp pictures of the coins on this board and we can tell you a lot more!
And good luck to you!
mbogoman Lutho
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that you have had the time during these unique circumstances to honor her memory, and celebrate her life.
My grandparents raised me around coins. I'm 40 in not long and just lost grandma a few years ago. It was incredibly difficult and dealing with coins in an estate is a nightmare. I hope that you have come through okay.
Please be very aware of the things that are not worth a lot of monetary value. I have 5k of some nice mixed 90% sitting next to me on my desk and I'll go through grandpa's oily/dirty/shop"py" war nickels and grandma's dimes all day. If someone robbed me I'd rather they take all the gold and silver and leave me with the war nicks, some JFKs and some worn ass Roosevelts. I'm not kidding or exaggerating either and I already know what it's like to lose some and never wanna feel that way again.
If you have free time on your hands to pick up a hobby, it sounds like you're already off to a good start.
Please take care and be safe.
Ebay fees are expensive. I would try to use the BST (Buy, Sell, Trade) here for a few items to get a comfort-level feel for selling. Get to know some of the folks on this forum and find out if someone lives near you... you might find it helpful to know that and they can perhaps point you to numismatic people-resources you may not know about near your area. Get into a private mail or pm with them/you for furthering decision options. Generally I have found people here to be generally nice and helpful. - Tim
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I have never heard of Coin Book, but looked at your listings over there...where are you getting those prices? They are way too high.
1924 Peace listed for 37.00....worth 20.00
1879 Morgan listed for 70.00...worth 25.00
Eisenhower and Sacagawea dollars...only worth $1.00 each...spend them
1988-S Proof listed for 75.00...worth 35.00
The circulated buffalo nickels commonly trade at 50 cents each, not $2.70 each.
Thank you everyone for the responses!!! I will lower my prices, and list on BST here!
Another tip is to put your items for sale in ONE thread. Starting a different thread for multiple items on the same day only clutters up the page and hogs precious space from the other sellers.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
@Cameonut I didn't know that, thank you for that tip!
Did I see where @alliegiza bought the recent "Red Book"? If that is where prices are coming from it would be no wonder they are high(er) than expected. A short research of auction sold listings gives a more realistic price. But then again, individual grading(s) are VERY subjective also. But I have always learned to buy what you see, not what is said or described.
@mainejoe I bought the most recent Red Book and was basing off of that. I'm now realizing those are a bit high sadly
@alliegiza true guidelines other than sold auction listings are better off referred from the "Blue Book". Just my 2¢ worth as it is.