1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar

Hello - i have an 1884-S silver Morgan dollar. It is in great shape. Any thoughts on grading?
Hello - i have an 1884-S silver Morgan dollar. It is in great shape. Any thoughts on grading?
looks cleaned
I don't think it would straight grade!
I do not think it was cleaned
seems like toning on the back....
Trust us, it was cleaned and grades XF-AU.
Ok thanks! Any value?
you guys are good. I thought it was just the toning I saw others graded that had a light yellowish toning
XF 40
My YouTube Channel
Cleaned XF.
Sorry, but I say it's been cleaned and won't straight grade.
Will add, common in circulated grades and rare in MS.
I can't tell in person the coin is not as shiny
Seems like Au would have been fairly rare maybe it grades Au details
XF cleaned.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
XF40 details at best. Surfaces are marginal and cleaned. Now just like any other circ Morgan.
The coin does not have a look close to original which is what collectors want, sorry to disappoint. This is a great date in the AU/Unc grades. What I try to think when I look at a coin is how much will collectors in the mainstream of the hobby like it? PCGS has some great images on their Coinfacts site, check out the VF-XF images and compare.
Cleaned for sure. Obverse looks vf/XF and reverse looks XF/au so think it would grade XF details cleaned
Cleaned. Not worth the grading fees
Very typical for this date
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
Not more than XF ...and cleaned... unlikely to straight grade...The wear and marks are obvious. Cheers, RickO
Cleaned XF. A common date, base value Morgan.