Am I seeing this clearly??!!

I recently started to go through some coins I had set aside and found this 1958 D. After looking a little closer I found that it seemed to be doubled in a few places. Before getting too excited too soon I thought I'd kick it out there for a few more sets of eyes.
It doesn’t look like the only one I saw on variety vista. The pictures and lighting make it hard for me to tell, though. I’m going to err on the side of no. The 1958 (philly) one is apparently the big one anyway.
@Zell .... Welcome aboard... Judging from the pictures, it is machine numismatic premium. Cheers, RickO
Photos aren't in focus enough to tell much of any thing definitive... but based on the ones provided, will say machine doubling. The '8' in the date looks like damage hit on the upper loop.
From what I can see I think it's MD.