Even the feds keep adding to their stack

FBI took some gold right out from under civilians noses. Defintely sending this hoard to fort knox
FBI took some gold right out from under civilians noses. Defintely sending this hoard to fort knox
Well, it is stolen US gold, would not be hard for US to win a claim for it in court. Appears FBI has no reason to hide any discovery unless all the agents stole it for themselves.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
my family used to live on that land
So where's the gold at?
Interesting story, thanks for sharing !!!
What could possibly warrant 2,400 pages of documents?
I knew it would happen.
I have followed this case - when ever information became available - for about two years since it hit the news. Something happened there.... and it seems the 'authorities' do not want the details revealed. I wish good luck to the seekers...Cheers, RickO