Shipping from Germany

I am desirous of ordering something from Germany, Dirk Loebbers, to be more precise. Understandably, things have slowed, but has anyone had recent experience? And do German vendors tend to use DHL, rather than regular post?
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The shipping method depends on the method they choose of course. Both German post and DHL are possibilities.
In my recent experience, not from Germany but from other places on the continent, mail is no different than normal.
Latin American Collection
I was in a similar situation early April. Some "must have" coins appeared on the German market and delaying purchase was not an option.
The coins shipped (to USA) via FedEx from Germany arrived without delay. No problems.
Same couldn't be said for the coin shipped via Deutsche Post. As of April 1, the Deutsche Post was only sending parcels to the USA via the Premium Service. Despite opting for the (rather expensive) Premium Service, the coin spent a week in internal transit before ultimately being returned to the dealer with no explanation. The dealer has agreed to hold on to the coin until international shipping restrictions ease.
You might also find some helpful information here where Deutsche Post details the latest restrictions.
I have not ordered from Dirk Loebbers personally, but generally find that most German vendors on MA-Shops use Deutsche Post for international shipping.
A few years ago, a German dealer cautioned me against Deutsche Post. They said that their experience with it had been very bad.
My personal experience with FedEx shipping of coins has been excellent, though you will be hit with a customs brokering fee of about $40 one month after your shipment arrives (never mind that the objects themselves are duty-free). Paying it was easy though.
Please make sure that your vendor will insure the shipment as German Post has limits. am not sure about FedEx.
I bought some coins from a German dealer on 3/27. They arrived on 4/20. Took about a week longer than normal given the circumstances.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
My exper> @pruebas said:
Latter part first... That's curious about FedEx. For most international (typically Europe) FedEx shipments, I receive a statement in the mail under separate cover from their customs brokerage service/department, itemizing whatever work they want you to think they did, but clearly noting that it's a service included with the postage fee and that $0.00 is due.
Perhaps they're charging you for Formal Entry (U.S. Customs-mandated over $2500)??
Regarding Deutsche Post - I receive Einschreiben (Registered) parcels frequently enough and always successfully. I've been told they have some restrictions about sending coins, but everyone seems to mark "Token" or such on the Customs form and it's always fine. It's actually fairly reasonable cost also (about 7 EUR).
YQQ is right about their insurance policy (think it's only 40 EUR or similar)... but again, I've never had a problem (even when sellers declare several hundred Euros for value).
But the issue at this time, as Togol linked to... Deutsche Post is simply not sending any items/parcels to the U.S. right now. You can use DHL, but it's expensive and their delivery network is somewhat less expansive (though the parcel will be in safe hands in my experience).
I would just buy and tell them ship Deutsche Post when the dust settles. I'm doing that with an eBay piece right now.
I've ordered a dozen or so items, not all coin related, from Germany in the past years and have always had great results shipping with DHL. My biggest issue was when it went through Chicago customs things got delayed and twice got "lost". It was even nicer when the DHL hub was located in my town.
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
Early March 2020 I bought a medal on MA shops German dealer shipper. I have never had issue with this platform or dealers, awesome history doing this. I felt it questionable at the time with all that was going on with Covid 19 but the price was low so I just bought it and unhooked from the outcome. It took 6 weeks to arrive and according to tracking it sat in NY for over two weeks which is understandable being a hot spot before it made is slow crawl to the Midwest. When I contacted seller of its arrival they said thanks for the note but now unable to continue ship to US at this time. Not sure if it was a mandated or personal reasons. It left me feeling I don’t need to be instigating purchases like that going forward. My reasons being adding traffic to a clearly stressed shipping system and coins not being essential to my survival as I eventually temporarily shuttered my businesses and furloughed workers. I’m just on pause until things stabilize.
At least you received a response. I messaged Loebbers, but received no response. I can wait.
Loebbers advised me, this morning, that shipping has been suspended. Several of their shipments were returned to them. They will advise me when shipping can resume.
Have no recent experience to share, but I bought a piece from Künker am Dom this morning, so I'm about to find out.
@lordmarcovan - Motivated by your post, I took a look at their site. Oh, boy. They have something that I just have to have. Your fault.
I sent them a query about their current shipping experience.
I thought picture might cheer people up...
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
I wish all of my 1 Marks could be like that. It has a nice original look to it
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
So do I... I like the series but real GEM examples are not easy... especially for better dates. My highest graded by PCGS to date is 67+ but it is common date. So the reality is some dates are just not going be GEMS. And that is okay...
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
I like the one in my profile pic. Here is another raw one:
I never seem to leave money in my budget for submitting these things.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
Nice image of a great looking Coin
Just a quick comment on shipping from Germany... My last experience was about 40 years ago... No problems with the postal service just the item that I received
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
It's a mix right now. I have some German winnings/purchases on hold (Dirk being one), and have been for at least three-four weeks, while some from other German firms are shipping as normal and, after a bit more of a wait than normal, have arrived...or are at least moving. Tracking is iffier than usual, customs a bit slower. One mailed from Germany at the end of February had no updates for five weeks, then was finally updated that it had cleared customs—no idea when it was inbound into customs, but it finally arrived 10 days after that point.
Jeremy Bostwick
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