Current Comparative Premiums @ Apmex

Just a reflection of the current market, here are some comparative premiums for PMs at Apmex:
$50 face in 90% silver - 42% premium
Misc Year ASE - 65% premium
Misc Year Plat - 22% premium
10 oz Apmex Silver Bar - 31% premium
Misc Year 1 oz. AGE - 10% premium
Misc Year Gold Buff - 11.2% premium
Misc Year Gold Maple - 8.0% premium
Misc Year AU St. Gaudens - 16.8% premium
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
I knew it would happen.
I knew it would happen.
I assume these are their retail prices. What about their buy prices?
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Precisely the question for which i started another thread.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
My post was simply a comparison of the existing retail premiums. There is no implication for the value based on current retail premiums, although........................
there IS an implication about current retail market conditions.
Especially concerning silver, it's obvious that a supply shortage in combination with massive money creation - has begun to shine some light on silver's potential as a monetary asset and not just an industrial material.
Being lower in cost than gold, silver probably appeals to a larger audience than gold for most people as an alternative to watching their stock portfolio being subjected to lower earnings reports in spite of the Fed's massive money-pumping.
Silver is indeed at a crossroads. The higher premiums could be a real killer if and when supply comes back online and IF the stock market fundamentals actually improve (but I think that's years away now). We really are in the midst of what isn't going to be fun for years. The real impact hasn't even begun to hit, yet.
I knew it would happen.
Thanks for the math work. Should be a good retail indicator for all current buyers. Hopefully we can compare them a few weeks down the road and eventually chart them.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
what about at mcm or provident?
What is the average as well as most common purchase size for each segment?
I ask as let's say the average person buys:
10 1oz silver rounds $250.
1 1/4oz gold eagle is about $450?
20 1oz silver bars/rounds $500
and so on....
Most people do not purchase ounces of gold or 100's of ounces of silver at a time.
Many regular stackers have a weekly/monthly budget and they stack their piles that way, premiums do not matter.Be it one ounce of silver a month or 1,000. JMHO
Interesting figures.... will bear watching in the next two months...and even longer, depending on what transpires... Cheers, RickO
I get this:
(27.15 - 15.20) / 15.20 = 78.6%
BTW, provident metals is doing a 2020 pre-sale at @26.17.
and a 41.55% premium on $100 face bag (using coinflation) vs. 41.68%
I get this:
(27.15 - 15.20) / 15.20 = 78.6%
I don't know where you get the 27.15. It's currently $25.16 at Apmex. But regardless, this was just a quick 'n dirty comparison of premiums.
I knew it would happen.
I'm doing quantity 1 versus quantity 1000+
What happens when all this metal that has been purchased lately is liquidated? Hardly anything is in stock.
I called Apmex just yesterday. About 4:30 pm Eastern Time. I was just curious as to what they would pay for an unopened/ sealed monster box of 2018 eagles, and PCGS ms63 Gaudens. $1 over Spot on the eagles, and Spot for the Gaudens. Been purchasing from them for many years. Sold a bunch of silver in April 2011 to them. I will think twice about ever purchasing from them again.
Sure seems kind of odd... selling for such a markup and buying so low... with tight supplies it just doesn't add up. Perhaps they can do so because more than usual are selling due to financial need?
My local dealer is buying near spot on Gold Eagles and not much over spot for standard silver rounds. That hasn’t changed much over the years. His sell spread remains the same, too.
I see the gouging mostly by the online dealers. Because they can.
Try to sell these companies stuff at even a sizeable mark up and you will be amazed. They wont pay it, Buying prices have been about typical, yet the selling prices are at un herd premiums. But I don't blame the companies, I blame the idiots paying these ridiculous premiums. It will level off once things get open and moving. Premiums will come back down considerably, (spot price may be a tad higher) but I seriously doubt spot will go up even half way to match the premiums that somebody paid today before the premiums go back to normal.
It has been slow in the shop, just in the past week a few folks have started coming in to sell. Guy came in with several rolls of fresh eagles, I told him he should ebay em. I could only pay around spot (I think I actually gave him spot plus 50c) . He wanted cash now. Took a couple of rolls and sold them to (my good local customers) at 17.50 and the rest I ran on ebay between 470-490.
Saturday, I had a guy come in looking for 1/10th gold eagles, you know the premiums on these are off kilter as well. I told him I did not have any, but have a customer who has thousands. Im sure he will part with as many as you want. I told him I would get him some at $20 less than the cheapest ampex, or JM price. He bought a bunch. Got my customer to bring them over and I made 5 bucks a coin, and never had to pay out a dime. My customer used to buy and buy, and never take a profit on stuff. Over the years he has learned to take profits, especially when there is an eager buyer. (no better time than the present with crazy premiums with people having to get something right now)
I've been getting some killer buys lately and stuff below melt. I wish I had a bot to just best offer -25% on everything.
You will see rare stuff start coming out of the woodwork in the coming months.
I said that here less than a week ago and I found this just the other day. The last threads made about them here were in 2017 and 2002.
It was over melt but it was totally a great snag. I am so glad it's not a clad Ike or details war nickel or something atrocious.
what is interesting to me about this moment in time is I am doing nothing at all.
I had an amount of metal I was happy with so don't need to buy any, I am not selling for $5 over spot just because spot went down, who does that?
Who is being herded into buying or selling based purely on spot?
I've got just a few items up on ebay, but there's no rush - the price will come to me.
I knew it would happen.
It is their business to run. Most businesses look at daily, weekly, monthly profit. That comes from either volume or margins. With so many LCSs shut down, add in competition.
At the end of the day, buyers are the ones responsible for the current premiums being where they are. As a seller of anything, I have no problem letting buyers run the price up. We would not have auctions if that wasn't an acceptable business model.
Not I, sounds like my boat is somewhat similar to yours. Regards!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Someone should look at the premiums on a per dollar basis.
Before this current situation, the average dealer spread on generic per ounce was about $1 on silver and around $50 on gold. That's between buy and sell.
In perspective, at 95 to 1 that meant a dealer made about $50 selling an ounce of gold which took a $1,600 investment. For the same $1600 in silver they made about $95. We silently paid dealers more for silver.
Now people are complaining about dealers making about $100 on a $1,800 gold transaction. While for whatever reason people can't wait to buy $1,800 worth of silver at a $300 - $400+ profit margin for said dealers
I agree with azure. If you are prepared, just be patient and the deals will come...
I never understood the concept of contrarian investor... Yet for the past 3-4 years I bought gold and silver....Really want to buy now, but can’t find any deals...may look at real estate or stocks....and in a few months, I figure there will be a lot of interesting gold and silver available...that’s when I plan to move again...guess I have learner to appreciate, that over the long term, everything is cyclical....if you can afford to, buy high quality items that are out of favor.
I can't remember who from, but I saw an ad for 1,000 ounce bars at spot + $2/ounce...that seems crazy to me, but I guess someone might be paying it.