The only thing I don't like about the show is it takes an hour for at best 20 minutes of new stuff. That's why I just record it so I can fast forward through all the fill.
@mannie gray said:
The show cracks me up.
"Eyes and boots"... lol
"That's Oak Island for ya'!"
This show would be a great candidate for a college drinking game.
"Could it be...????"
"150 feet below the surface?"
The cheezy narrator is more annoying than an itchy hemorroid.....but yet, the show is so lame and funny it is watchable despite its staged theatrics and corniness.
Dude, I would be hammered before the first commercial break, lol.
@YQQ said:
Do you guys, who are making all these "educated" comments, on here really think that the real experts (museums, universities, professors etc) would allow their names to be used if their findings were not facts?
lets hear your educated facts...
do you really think that the NS and Canadian gov would give all these permits required to even start if there was not some solid grounds.???
the two brothers who actually are funding the whole exploration made their $$ with what some of you are drinking,
wine!!!!! Now, they are legitimately taking advantage of existing tax laws to get to the bottom of an issue which was going on for a couple of hundred years or, as discovered, or even longer, and has discovered some incredible FACTS.
so??? please, lets hear your reasons for your negative responses to the Oak Island story.
Guys, it is easy to criticise....
If you go back further they made money all over, oil, renewable energy (still currently), and like you said wine! I know this for a fact because I currently manage a wind farm that they once owned, another they do own, and I was a technician at a wind farm all the way back in 2012 that they owned. I know how they made their money and they spent a lot of it there to try and find the treasure! I laugh when people say its fake.... I have met these guys and they never came off to me as people that would fake this sort of thing. I hope they find something good... I helped them dig for it in a round about way!
Just finished watching the 3 of them go to France 🇫🇷 to the Castles and where the Knights Templar’s were imprisoned before they were BEHEADED to Death! Really starting to see the carving connections! Great to see the beautiful Castles and the scenery! I guess Seadon 5 or 6! Time for the next mandated shelter at home movie Orville is next and that Blonde Commander is HOT!
It's entertainment and I find it entertaining, although too drawn out.
The problem is the lag between when they film and when they air. You know if they found the treasure it wouldn't stay secret very long. Once the new season begins, you know that they won't find it this year.
Collector and dealer in obsolete currency. Always buying all obsolete bank notes and scrip.
That's becoming a big issue! They had to stop the last can because the ground was so unstable. Coming up next season it sounds like they are going to just excavate all the way down to 200ft + @ a cost of 10's of millions of dollars!
@AlexinPA said:
If those two dig any more holes that island is going to sink.
@amwldcoin said:
That's becoming a big issue! They had to stop the last can because the ground was so unstable. Coming up next season it sounds like they are going to just excavate all the way down to 200ft + @ a cost of 10's of millions of dollars!
@AlexinPA said:
If those two dig any more holes that island is going to sink.
With the available digging tools, carried aboard ship, in the mid to late 1700's would someone please tell me how pirates, or knights in armor, could have dug 200 feet to bury treasure? How many years would that take without being observed? The only 'treasure' they will find is salt water. But I await, with baited breath, the alien artifacts soon to be found by Marty.
@amwldcoin said:
That's becoming a big issue! They had to stop the last can because the ground was so unstable. Coming up next season it sounds like they are going to just excavate all the way down to 200ft + @ a cost of 10's of millions of dollars!
@AlexinPA said:
If those two dig any more holes that island is going to sink.
With the available digging tools, carried aboard ship, in the mid to late 1700's would someone please tell me how pirates, or knights in armor, could have dug 200 feet to bury treasure? How many years would that take without being observed? The only 'treasure' they will find is salt water. But I await, with baited breath, the alien artifacts soon to be found by Marty.
I've always wondered that myself. Although it is possible that either higher water levels or erosion of the surrounding area has made the area "wetter" than it used to be.
The “war room” discussions are the part where I hit fast forward.
Should we keep going or should we quit? Well, we did find a piece of wood so let’s keep going. Geez!
Get out there and find something 🙂
@amwldcoin said:
That's becoming a big issue! They had to stop the last can because the ground was so unstable. Coming up next season it sounds like they are going to just excavate all the way down to 200ft + @ a cost of 10's of millions of dollars!
@AlexinPA said:
If those two dig any more holes that island is going to sink.
With the available digging tools, carried aboard ship, in the mid to late 1700's would someone please tell me how pirates, or knights in armor, could have dug 200 feet to bury treasure? How many years would that take without being observed? The only 'treasure' they will find is salt water. But I await, with baited breath, the alien artifacts soon to be found by Marty.
Maybe is wasn't the swashbuckling pirates but the Romans (numerals) that put the treasure there. Maybe its not even treasure. Could it be, something so insidious and horrifying that it wasn't supposed to be found. Release the Kraken!
Marty dropped a loonie down a bore hole and got sucked up in a nearby newer bore hole. Proves the theory that things are "Moving underground" with all the activity. OK I admit I am still watching.
I am done watching season 6 . Just started a new Family show to waist my time during the Covid stand down. The Sopranos really a great show rich In Is Italian Heritage! Tony Soprano he is a great guy really like that Bada Bing place!
I loved reading Edward Rowe Snow books about this and other treasure stories as a kid.
If someone found a treasure years or decades or centuries ago, they might have just kept it quiet.
I have seen the show once or twice. It is entertaining to a point, but it is, ultimately, reality TV.
The only thing I don't like about the show is it takes an hour for at best 20 minutes of new stuff. That's why I just record it so I can fast forward through all the fill.
Dude, I would be hammered before the first commercial break, lol.
If you go back further they made money all over, oil, renewable energy (still currently), and like you said wine! I know this for a fact because I currently manage a wind farm that they once owned, another they do own, and I was a technician at a wind farm all the way back in 2012 that they owned. I know how they made their money and they spent a lot of it there to try and find the treasure! I laugh when people say its fake.... I have met these guys and they never came off to me as people that would fake this sort of thing. I hope they find something good... I helped them dig for it in a round about way!
Just finished watching the 3 of them go to France 🇫🇷 to the Castles and where the Knights Templar’s were imprisoned before they were BEHEADED to Death! Really starting to see the carving connections!
Great to see the beautiful Castles and the scenery!
I guess Seadon 5 or 6! Time for the next mandated shelter at home movie Orville is next and that Blonde Commander is HOT!
It's entertainment and I find it entertaining, although too drawn out.
The problem is the lag between when they film and when they air. You know if they found the treasure it wouldn't stay secret very long. Once the new season begins, you know that they won't find it this year.
If those two dig any more holes that island is going to sink.

That's becoming a big issue! They had to stop the last can because the ground was so unstable. Coming up next season it sounds like they are going to just excavate all the way down to 200ft + @ a cost of 10's of millions of dollars!
With the available digging tools, carried aboard ship, in the mid to late 1700's would someone please tell me how pirates, or knights in armor, could have dug 200 feet to bury treasure? How many years would that take without being observed? The only 'treasure' they will find is salt water. But I await, with baited breath, the alien artifacts soon to be found by Marty.
as the stomach turns !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder how long before the CAnadians come in and take 60%for taxes. Just saying
I am just starting Season 6 and wow are they spending money on Smith’s Cove!!!!
I've always wondered that myself. Although it is possible that either higher water levels or erosion of the surrounding area has made the area "wetter" than it used to be.
I'm watching it. Yes, it's dragged out. And ???? I will continue to watch.
The “war room” discussions are the part where I hit fast forward.
Should we keep going or should we quit? Well, we did find a piece of wood so let’s keep going. Geez!
Get out there and find something 🙂
Maybe is wasn't the swashbuckling pirates but the Romans (numerals) that put the treasure there. Maybe its not even treasure. Could it be, something so insidious and horrifying that it wasn't supposed to be found. Release the Kraken!
Marty dropped a loonie down a bore hole and got sucked up in a nearby newer bore hole. Proves the theory that things are "Moving underground" with all the activity. OK I admit I am still watching.
100% Positive BST transactions
they should rename it fake island ???
Nah, they are just trying to turn into an atoll!
The 'treasure' found so far. Keep on diggin' boys!

I hope you jokesters are all happy!
I am done watching season 6 . Just started a new Family show to waist my time during the Covid stand down. The Sopranos really a great show rich In Is Italian Heritage! Tony Soprano he is a great guy really like that Bada Bing place!