Well, you and I both know that the number of shares outstanding has a little bit to do with the answer to your question. We both also know that $1,000 doesn't go quite as far as it used to go. Right?
Unless one is buying silver. Now you can get twice as much as 8 years ago. HAHA. Sorry. Cant help it. Maybe
its relative value against other popular assets makes it a better deal now.
Silver is primarily an industrial commodity. As such it and other industrial commodities took a hit in the current crisis.
What you fail to realize or point out is that when it was high 8 years ago, it had recovered remarkably from the crisis two years prior.
I kinda remember a fairly robust economy over the past 8 years, so with silver being "primarily" an industrial metal, why did it not trade higher during this time? Have you failed to realize this?
I sure hope it goes up now...weve all been waiting.
Maybe supply simply kept up with or even exceeded demand.
I believe that to be the case. Somehow, someway, demand needs to increase faster than supply.
Well, you and I both know that the number of shares outstanding has a little bit to do with the answer to your question. We both also know that $1,000 doesn't go quite as far as it used to go. Right?
Unless one is buying silver. Now you can get twice as much as 8 years ago. HAHA. Sorry. Cant help it. Maybe
its relative value against other popular assets makes it a better deal now.
Silver is primarily an industrial commodity. As such it and other industrial commodities took a hit in the current crisis.
What you fail to realize or point out is that when it was high 8 years ago, it had recovered remarkably from the crisis two years prior.
I kinda remember a fairly robust economy over the past 8 years, so with silver being "primarily" an industrial metal, why did it not trade higher during this time? Have you failed to realize this?
I sure hope it goes up now...weve all been waiting.
Maybe supply simply kept up with or even exceeded demand.
I believe that to be the case. Somehow, someway, demand needs to increase faster than supply.
Well, you and I both know that the number of shares outstanding has a little bit to do with the answer to your question. We both also know that $1,000 doesn't go quite as far as it used to go. Right?
Unless one is buying silver. Now you can get twice as much as 8 years ago. HAHA. Sorry. Cant help it. Maybe
its relative value against other popular assets makes it a better deal now.
Silver is primarily an industrial commodity. As such it and other industrial commodities took a hit in the current crisis.
What you fail to realize or point out is that when it was high 8 years ago, it had recovered remarkably from the crisis two years prior.
I kinda remember a fairly robust economy over the past 8 years, so with silver being "primarily" an industrial metal, why did it not trade higher during this time? Have you failed to realize this?
I sure hope it goes up now...weve all been waiting.
Maybe supply simply kept up with or even exceeded demand.
I believe that to be the case. Somehow, someway, demand needs to increase faster than supply.
Well, you and I both know that the number of shares outstanding has a little bit to do with the answer to your question. We both also know that $1,000 doesn't go quite as far as it used to go. Right?
Unless one is buying silver. Now you can get twice as much as 8 years ago. HAHA. Sorry. Cant help it. Maybe
its relative value against other popular assets makes it a better deal now.
Silver is primarily an industrial commodity. As such it and other industrial commodities took a hit in the current crisis.
What you fail to realize or point out is that when it was high 8 years ago, it had recovered remarkably from the crisis two years prior.
I kinda remember a fairly robust economy over the past 8 years, so with silver being "primarily" an industrial metal, why did it not trade higher during this time? Have you failed to realize this?
I sure hope it goes up now...weve all been waiting.
Maybe supply simply kept up with or even exceeded demand.
I believe that to be the case. Somehow, someway, demand needs to increase faster than supply.
Buy ASEs by the monster boxful.
Maybe we can get the FED to start buying?
Don't ya know the FED considers silver the Antichrist. Kryptonite against the almighty US Dollar. Stack On!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I own GILD. It is a typical bio pharmaceutical company regardless of Remdesivir. The results popping up are just confirming what has been rumored since China had its huge outbreak. If you want to read some interesting facts, look up how they have been using generic forms of this drug in China. I have heard some chatroom banter about how this drug along with a few others has helped China control the outbreak (If you believe their numbers). This drug has been on the radar for the last 4 months but nobody was listening till now.
Here is an article about how they use a near identical version in cats for a COVID and I have also heard Chinese companies have been selling a generic copy of this in Australia:
Here is one on how China had a company illegally copy the drug at the height of the outbreak. Kind of sounds like when they have Chinese coin copies on Alibaba:
The drug is not a cure, but it may help contain the virus until a vaccine can be found. Like I said, I own the stock so take everything I am saying with a grain of salt. From everything I have read, it does seem to make some difference. Here is an article from the first person to ever take it in the US who says it saved his life:
In the last week, a few negative articles popped up in the news as well. One stated the drug only worked in around 2/3 of patients in a small study. Another said they had to stop a trial in China because they didn't have enough sick patients anymore to run the study. I don't think the drug is the answer but it will help in the short run if it does get approved. That could still take another month or two. Right now, the only way you can get it in the US for most people is to go to a research hospital that is part of the clinical trials. In that case, you may end up getting the drug or the placebo and many patients in the study are praying they get the drug from what I have heard anecdotally. Since the drug is an antiviral, the sooner the patient gets it, the more effective it should be. Another problem with the drug is it is delivered via IV and the company has said it does not want to make it in pill form because the dosing won't work correctly.
Since the OP mentioned it, I also own GE because I used to work for them but have sold most of it over the years. That stock will drive you crazy. It has been horrible since 2000. I really hope they turn it around. If they do, it would be a great buy at its current price level.
@hchcoin said:
Since the OP mentioned it, I also own GE because I used to work for them but have sold most of it over the years. That stock will drive you crazy. It has been horrible since 2000. I really hope they turn it around. If they do, it would be a great buy at its current price level.
I really like GE. At under 7 seems like a good deal.
GE is under new management and sold off sub company to pay off debt.
Bought 50 shares CVX @ $74 it's @ $87. Just going to sit on it. Dividend stock.
Trying to buy quality stocks on the cheap and sit on them for 5 + years.
@hchcoin said:
I own GILD. It is a typical bio pharmaceutical company regardless of Remdesivir. The results popping up are just confirming what has been rumored since China had its huge outbreak. If you want to read some interesting facts, look up how they have been using generic forms of this drug in China. I have heard some chatroom banter about how this drug along with a few others has helped China control the outbreak (If you believe their numbers). This drug has been on the radar for the last 4 months but nobody was listening till now.
Here is an article about how they use a near identical version in cats for a COVID and I have also heard Chinese companies have been selling a generic copy of this in Australia:
Here is one on how China had a company illegally copy the drug at the height of the outbreak. Kind of sounds like when they have Chinese coin copies on Alibaba:
The drug is not a cure, but it may help contain the virus until a vaccine can be found. Like I said, I own the stock so take everything I am saying with a grain of salt. From everything I have read, it does seem to make some difference. Here is an article from the first person to ever take it in the US who says it saved his life:
In the last week, a few negative articles popped up in the news as well. One stated the drug only worked in around 2/3 of patients in a small study. Another said they had to stop a trial in China because they didn't have enough sick patients anymore to run the study. I don't think the drug is the answer but it will help in the short run if it does get approved. That could still take another month or two. Right now, the only way you can get it in the US for most people is to go to a research hospital that is part of the clinical trials. In that case, you may end up getting the drug or the placebo and many patients in the study are praying they get the drug from what I have heard anecdotally. Since the drug is an antiviral, the sooner the patient gets it, the more effective it should be. Another problem with the drug is it is delivered via IV and the company has said it does not want to make it in pill form because the dosing won't work correctly.
Gilead had like 110 VERY sick patients in their case study. 6 Died the rest recovered.
2019 was the first time in years that I did not buy anything because I thought the whole market was too high. I did a little nibbling near the bottom in the middle of March but now I think it's too high again. Looks like people are betting on an instant return to normal.
Another thing I did was we more than doubled the amount put into my wife's 401K. This is not matched by the company any more but it is added to weekly and you can change the amount or the funds it goes into. You can even have it go into metals or miners or bonds etc. If you are not at least taking advantage of the company matching your deposits you should do that.
When the market was down over 30% I did a little math in my head about the damage to our retirement account, OMG, told the little woman she didn't want to know. But then I looked at my biggest holdings, MSFT, AMZN, BMY, GOOG, and felt a lot better. Then I saw NVDA, CHTR, INCY, EQIX and I got Tesla for $450 and now I feel even better.
Successful BST deals with mustangt and jesbroken. Now EVERYTHING is for sale.
@Icollecteverything said:
2019 was the first time in years that I did not buy anything because I thought the whole market was too high. I did a little nibbling near the bottom in the middle of March but now I think it's too high again. Looks like people are betting on an instant return to normal.
Another thing I did was we more than doubled the amount put into my wife's 401K. This is not matched by the company any more but it is added to weekly and you can change the amount or the funds it goes into. You can even have it go into metals or miners or bonds etc. If you are not at least taking advantage of the company matching your deposits you should do that.
When the market was down over 30% I did a little math in my head about the damage to our retirement account, OMG, told the little woman she didn't want to know. But then I looked at my biggest holdings, MSFT, AMZN, BMY, GOOG, and felt a lot better. Then I saw NVDA, CHTR, INCY, EQIX and I got Tesla for $450 and now I feel even better.
@Icollecteverything said:
2019 was the first time in years that I did not buy anything because I thought the whole market was too high. I did a little nibbling near the bottom in the middle of March but now I think it's too high again. Looks like people are betting on an instant return to normal.
Another thing I did was we more than doubled the amount put into my wife's 401K. This is not matched by the company any more but it is added to weekly and you can change the amount or the funds it goes into. You can even have it go into metals or miners or bonds etc. If you are not at least taking advantage of the company matching your deposits you should do that.
When the market was down over 30% I did a little math in my head about the damage to our retirement account, OMG, told the little woman she didn't want to know. But then I looked at my biggest holdings, MSFT, AMZN, BMY, GOOG, and felt a lot better. Then I saw NVDA, CHTR, INCY, EQIX and I got Tesla for $450 and now I feel even better.
@Icollecteverything said:
2019 was the first time in years that I did not buy anything because I thought the whole market was too high. I did a little nibbling near the bottom in the middle of March but now I think it's too high again. Looks like people are betting on an instant return to normal.
Another thing I did was we more than doubled the amount put into my wife's 401K. This is not matched by the company any more but it is added to weekly and you can change the amount or the funds it goes into. You can even have it go into metals or miners or bonds etc. If you are not at least taking advantage of the company matching your deposits you should do that.
When the market was down over 30% I did a little math in my head about the damage to our retirement account, OMG, told the little woman she didn't want to know. But then I looked at my biggest holdings, MSFT, AMZN, BMY, GOOG, and felt a lot better. Then I saw NVDA, CHTR, INCY, EQIX and I got Tesla for $450 and now I feel even better.
AMZN has saved my profit. Just sold 50 shares of CVX and bought more MSFT. Total of 75 shares of MSFT after this purchase.
note to self - stock market goes up during inflationary & hyperinflationary times.
P.S. note to self - we won't know whether or not we out of the deflationary phase prior to the inflationary phase, until the Fed has created enough new imaginary money to bail out virtually every market, including oil and until the banks, and major corporations, and bond funds, and hedge funds, and pension funds, and state governments and municipal governments are flush once again. Taxpayers be damned. Stay tuned.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
I picked up my tax return from the accountant last week. I observed I didn't even know why the Feds were going to the trouble of collecting taxes at all this year. A pro forma thing, I guess.
I think the stock market is going to drop hard in the next 2 weeks. Selling off everything but MSFT , AAPL and AMZN. Keeping these for the long hall.
Eveyone is going broke and protesting to start back to work. Reopening nail salons, barbershops and private gyms is a bad idea. That could cause a 2nd wave couldn't it?
I made a little cheese on CVX and BAC I sold.
I only own MSFT $184, AAPL $304 and AMZN $2372 right now.
Building up shares in these cloud companies aggressively right now for a small time investor.
Edited...I still own good ole CLCT. (PCGS) Also a member.
The COVID virus mutated has into other virus's. One mutation is even more contagious and regular COVID. It was discovered in New York City, it sickens and seems to target teens, small children and babies.
The virus mutates because it wants to survive I read somewhere.
Some great news.
Moderna just completed trail #1 for a COVID vaccine! Great results on trial #1 on humans. If trials #2 and #3 end up sucessful, we would have a vaccine by December!
Stock market is ralling like a mofo on the news!
@derryb said:
What is the long term Dow/Gold ratio telling us about the dow and about gold?
America, capitalism , stocks and wealth of Ameriacan companies has changed over the time of your chart. Gold has stayed the same more or less. Never discount America or American capitalism. It will come back fast and hard.
Did I mention I own gold , silver and platinum.
America, capitalism , stocks and wealth of Ameriacan companies has changed over the time of your chart. Gold has stayed the same more or less. Never discount America or American capitalism. It will come back fast and hard.
Did I mention I own gold , silver and platinum.
What has not changed over time is how the Dow/Gold ratio shows which is the better buy, Just as does the Gold/Silver ratio. The only thing that has "stayed the same" with gold is its ability to continually offer safehaven from currency destruction.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
America, capitalism , stocks and wealth of Ameriacan companies has changed over the time of your chart. Gold has stayed the same more or less. Never discount America or American capitalism. It will come back fast and hard.
Did I mention I own gold , silver and platinum.
What has not changed over time is how the Dow/Gold ratio shows which is the better buy, Just as does the Gold/Silver ratio. The only thing that has "stayed the same" with gold is its ability to continually offer safehaven from currency destruction.
Actually your chart (as grossly flawed as it is), shows the ratio below the mean regression line which would indicate gold is expensive relative to stocks.
America, capitalism , stocks and wealth of Ameriacan companies has changed over the time of your chart. Gold has stayed the same more or less. Never discount America or American capitalism. It will come back fast and hard.
Did I mention I own gold , silver and platinum.
What has not changed over time is how the Dow/Gold ratio shows which is the better buy, Just as does the Gold/Silver ratio. The only thing that has "stayed the same" with gold is its ability to continually offer safehaven from currency destruction.
Actually your chart (as grossly flawed as it is), shows the ratio below the mean regression line which would indicate gold is expensive relative to stocks.
Not a flaw at all, it's called reality. Data below the mean regression line shows where gold begins to be expensive relative to stocks. In reality one could make a beneficial conversion to stocks at any point below the mean line. But as the chart clearly shows, as the ratio dips further below the regression line, one would make a better trade to stocks. The peaks above and below the mean are only the maximum highs and lows of the actual ratio and indicate where the "perfect" trade should/could have been made. No different than reading a gold/silver ratio chart.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Bought 16 shares MSFT this AM $184.
Within 2 days Dow will probably hit all time high. It's now 2% away.
Some hedge fund managers have stayed out of the market too long. Time for the hedge fund managers that missed the boat to start chasing the higher prices.
Gold down $31
Silver down 58c.
Buy ASEs by the monster boxful.
Maybe we can get the FED to start buying?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
As long as someone buys.
Maybe you should be buying?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Gold a store of value? A hedge? Yes. Priced in gold, the SP500 is lower than it was in 1971.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Don't ya know the FED considers silver the Antichrist. Kryptonite against the almighty US Dollar. Stack On!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I own GILD. It is a typical bio pharmaceutical company regardless of Remdesivir. The results popping up are just confirming what has been rumored since China had its huge outbreak. If you want to read some interesting facts, look up how they have been using generic forms of this drug in China. I have heard some chatroom banter about how this drug along with a few others has helped China control the outbreak (If you believe their numbers). This drug has been on the radar for the last 4 months but nobody was listening till now.
Here is an article about how they use a near identical version in cats for a COVID and I have also heard Chinese companies have been selling a generic copy of this in Australia:
Here is one on how it cures monkeys put out by the NIH today (Not a double blind study):
Here is one on how China had a company illegally copy the drug at the height of the outbreak. Kind of sounds like when they have Chinese coin copies on Alibaba:
The drug is not a cure, but it may help contain the virus until a vaccine can be found. Like I said, I own the stock so take everything I am saying with a grain of salt. From everything I have read, it does seem to make some difference. Here is an article from the first person to ever take it in the US who says it saved his life:
In the last week, a few negative articles popped up in the news as well. One stated the drug only worked in around 2/3 of patients in a small study. Another said they had to stop a trial in China because they didn't have enough sick patients anymore to run the study. I don't think the drug is the answer but it will help in the short run if it does get approved. That could still take another month or two. Right now, the only way you can get it in the US for most people is to go to a research hospital that is part of the clinical trials. In that case, you may end up getting the drug or the placebo and many patients in the study are praying they get the drug from what I have heard anecdotally. Since the drug is an antiviral, the sooner the patient gets it, the more effective it should be. Another problem with the drug is it is delivered via IV and the company has said it does not want to make it in pill form because the dosing won't work correctly.
Since the OP mentioned it, I also own GE because I used to work for them but have sold most of it over the years. That stock will drive you crazy. It has been horrible since 2000. I really hope they turn it around. If they do, it would be a great buy at its current price level.
Perhaps its value relative to other assets has been attractive for the past 2 years.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I really like GE. At under 7 seems like a good deal.
GE is under new management and sold off sub company to pay off debt.
I bought 43 shares of MSFT 2 days ago. Already up $550.
Bought 50 shares of Walgreens @ $44 today....good dividend stock.
Sold COP Friday @34.18 & cleared $2240 for 7% gain in one day. Sitting on (even on it) Visa over weekend.
Bought 50 shares CVX @ $74 it's @ $87. Just going to sit on it. Dividend stock.
Trying to buy quality stocks on the cheap and sit on them for 5 + years.
Gilead had like 110 VERY sick patients in their case study. 6 Died the rest recovered.
I owned Walgreens for years and one day I noticed the stores I went to no longer had any customers. Only business was drive up RX. I know RX=$, but.
Walgreens stock should rise nicely. 4.3 dividend same as Verizon. Both should do great in the future.
Very promising results!
I would not call a 5 1/2 % death rate "promising".
2019 was the first time in years that I did not buy anything because I thought the whole market was too high. I did a little nibbling near the bottom in the middle of March but now I think it's too high again. Looks like people are betting on an instant return to normal.
Another thing I did was we more than doubled the amount put into my wife's 401K. This is not matched by the company any more but it is added to weekly and you can change the amount or the funds it goes into. You can even have it go into metals or miners or bonds etc. If you are not at least taking advantage of the company matching your deposits you should do that.
When the market was down over 30% I did a little math in my head about the damage to our retirement account, OMG, told the little woman she didn't want to know. But then I looked at my biggest holdings, MSFT, AMZN, BMY, GOOG, and felt a lot better. Then I saw NVDA, CHTR, INCY, EQIX and I got Tesla for $450 and now I feel even better.
Successful BST deals with mustangt and jesbroken. Now EVERYTHING is for sale.
AMZN has saved my profit. Just sold 50 shares of CVX and bought more MSFT. Total of 75 shares of MSFT after this purchase.
note to self - stock market goes up during inflationary & hyperinflationary times.
P.S. note to self - we won't know whether or not we out of the deflationary phase prior to the inflationary phase, until the Fed has created enough new imaginary money to bail out virtually every market, including oil and until the banks, and major corporations, and bond funds, and hedge funds, and pension funds, and state governments and municipal governments are flush once again. Taxpayers be damned. Stay tuned.
I knew it would happen.
I picked up my tax return from the accountant last week. I observed I didn't even know why the Feds were going to the trouble of collecting taxes at all this year. A pro forma thing, I guess.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
I got on GOLD (Barrick) back in March....
It’s made a nice return. Going to get off at 35-38$
I think the stock market is going to drop hard in the next 2 weeks. Selling off everything but MSFT , AAPL and AMZN. Keeping these for the long hall.
Eveyone is going broke and protesting to start back to work. Reopening nail salons, barbershops and private gyms is a bad idea. That could cause a 2nd wave couldn't it?
I made a little cheese on CVX and BAC I sold.
I only own MSFT $184, AAPL $304 and AMZN $2372 right now.
Building up shares in these cloud companies aggressively right now for a small time investor.
Edited...I still own good ole CLCT. (PCGS) Also a member.
ready to jump, looking for my volatility signal.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Still buying like clockwork, every single Friday.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
The COVID virus mutated has into other virus's. One mutation is even more contagious and regular COVID. It was discovered in New York City, it sickens and seems to target teens, small children and babies.
The virus mutates because it wants to survive I read somewhere.
Wish I would have picked up more SPCE last week than I did @$16 but I can't complain.
Some great news.
Moderna just completed trail #1 for a COVID vaccine! Great results on trial #1 on humans. If trials #2 and #3 end up sucessful, we would have a vaccine by December!
Stock market is ralling like a mofo on the news!
Swimming in one. Drowning in another. The beauty is having a little spread about in several places. .
What is the long term Dow/Gold ratio telling us about the dow and about gold?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
America, capitalism , stocks and wealth of Ameriacan companies has changed over the time of your chart. Gold has stayed the same more or less. Never discount America or American capitalism. It will come back fast and hard.
Did I mention I own gold , silver and platinum.
Adding some Home Depot, Tractor Supply and Lowes to my AZMN, AAPL and MSFT.
What has not changed over time is how the Dow/Gold ratio shows which is the better buy, Just as does the Gold/Silver ratio. The only thing that has "stayed the same" with gold is its ability to continually offer safehaven from currency destruction.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Added to position in Ford. Buying on the dip.
Actually your chart (as grossly flawed as it is), shows the ratio below the mean regression line which would indicate gold is expensive relative to stocks.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Not a flaw at all, it's called reality. Data below the mean regression line shows where gold begins to be expensive relative to stocks. In reality one could make a beneficial conversion to stocks at any point below the mean line. But as the chart clearly shows, as the ratio dips further below the regression line, one would make a better trade to stocks. The peaks above and below the mean are only the maximum highs and lows of the actual ratio and indicate where the "perfect" trade should/could have been made. No different than reading a gold/silver ratio chart.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
never stopped buying
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
ruger and waste management seem like good choice.
Bought 16 shares MSFT this AM $184.
Within 2 days Dow will probably hit all time high. It's now 2% away.
Some hedge fund managers have stayed out of the market too long. Time for the hedge fund managers that missed the boat to start chasing the higher prices.
Gold down $31
Silver down 58c.
The DOW is actually about 10% below its ATH..
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
The DOW will shatter the ATH...soon.
Do you disagree or are you just a hall monitor?
it was the Nasdaq composite that was 2% from ATHs
Yeah had my wires crossed MrsMorrisine thanks.
I do not believe the DOW will "shatter the ATH soon".
Your definition of "shatter" and "soon" may differ from mine.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Who's all in for the Final Bubble?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
We are all still waiting for the silver bubble.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
While PMs rise and fall in step with dollar faith, they don't bubble, they are the anti-bubble. They are bubble insurance.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I bought 3 stocks. O. SOLO NIO. They reminded me of a song