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RIP Jay M. Galst, M.D.

JesseKraftJesseKraft Posts: 414 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 13, 2020 5:37AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Jay M. Galst, RIP
"Dr. Jay Galst, New York numismatist, passed away from COVID-19 on Saturday, April 11. A longtime member and past president of the New York Numsimatic Club, Galst authored Ophthalmologia Optica et Visio in Nummis (American Numismatic Society, 2013), which cataloged over 1,700 numismatic objects related to the eye and the practice of ophthalmology. Galst's numismatic collecting interests also included Judaica, but the occasional U.S.item did not escape his attention. In one case, he acquired an original plaster of a Walking Liberty half dollar pattern, which by sheer coincidence was owned by a neighbor. Galst was a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and the medical school of Columbia University." (from the Newman Numismatic Portal blog)

1988-89 New York Numismatic Club Presidential Medal of Jay M. Galst, M.D. Struck by Medallic Art Co. Obverse by Joseph Di Lorenzo; reverse by J. Swanson. Silver, 38mm.
American Numismatic Society, 1990.30.1

1988-89 New York Numismatic Club Presidential Medal of Jay M. Galst, M.D. Struck by Medallic Art Co. Obverse by Joseph Di Lorenzo; reverse by J. Swanson. Bronze, 38mm.
American Numismatic Society, 1990.30.2

Jesse C. Kraft, Ph.D.
Resolute Americana Curator of American Numismatics
American Numismatic Society
New York City

Member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), British Numismatic Society (BNS), New York Numismatic Club (NYNC), Early American Copper (EAC), the Colonial Coin Collectors Club (C4), U.S. Mexican Numismatic Association (USMNA), Liberty Seated Collectors Club (LSCC), Token and Medal Society (TAMS), and life member of the Atlantic County Numismatic Society (ACNS).
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