Overstock PPE for Good-Will Donations (Ag/Au)

Hello everyone. You're currently reading an edit I've made as this thread has gained quite a bit of traction. I've found a better way to do this so thank you for your professionalism.
18 months ago I started a sole prop after 5 years of being a (not coin related) hobbyist. It lead to work in the medical supply sphere on the international stage. We stored approximately 50k masks, as the new year began and hey maybe that Wuhan thing might be legit.
We have since given away 49k of those masks. We have spent untold thousands of our own dollars worth of hygiene supplies to affected areas. We had received a pallet of hygiene stuff from a blind amazon sale thing back in Nov and stored it, turns out thank god we did. We have distributed over 6300 emergency response, preparedness and hygiene kits. We are still actively buying hygiene products to donate while we are here and have the means.
I will surely lose everything I have worked for. I would just please like something to assist my family in the short term, and I'd be happy to assist yours. I have things you need if you could please help me and my family get the things we need.
We have been distributing untold thousands of masks free to our customers, local area businesses, hospice, the homeless shelter near my job and the old folks home down the street. We have been part of a relief effort as far back as Feb, even in Jan we were giving out sanitizer and gloves. I have been dropping masks in mailboxes for the USPS. We offered masks to UPS and they refused but we are continuing to try.
I've never learned more about female hygiene supplies than I have in the last 30 days. I am happy to learn and happy to help.
We are not monsters, crooks or thieves. We have donated untold thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of volunteer time. It is almost time for me and my family to execute our bailout plan. We have been at this for months. We are tired. Stir crazy. Can't go shopping; there's nothing on the shelves anyway.
We are a little short on gold and silver, but have masks and tyvek suits, and would like to trade the surplus things we have for the surplus things you have.
We don't have set prices and I don't want money for shipping. I am not a reseller or price gouger. If you decide to not send your end and steal from us that is okay I have forgiveness in my heart. I understand times are hard for everybody. Just please don't lie too hard to my face because that hurts the most.
We haven't turned down a medical care provider or anybody who has been desperate and had nothing. I loaded up the Bronx ICU just because I felt like dropping a few hundred masks because the lady was nice to me and she was single with a kid.
But anyway. If you have spare stuff, I have spare stuff. I have zero use for USD and am actively turning down offers.
Ideally, I'd like to do a lot of small batches, so there are more pockets of aid around the country which will bolster herd immunity.
Unfortunately we didn't take photos of all the stuff we have done or given away. We didn't find the need to promote ourselves on social media that way, or ask for pats on the back, or explain to strangers on the Internet who just call us liars anyway.
I just want things I can trade for food for my family that are easier to carry than all this stuff. That's it. I don't want your 65k flowing whatever blah blah. Just please get me something to help feed my family.
We are accepting good will donations; let me know what you think is fair for 1) my time procuring these, 2) my time packing and shipping these, 3) my electric bill for running sterilizers 24/7 the last few weeks, 4) about $2 to package everything, $5 to ship, 5) my own PPE expenses to pack them cleanly, 6) all the very expensive professional sterile training for my lab, and the list goes on... I will send aid, just communicate with me.
Please be safe and well.
Accepting good will donations of US gold and silver for sterilizes surgical masks and tyvek suits.
I'm releasing masks in 10 packs as to bolster herd immunity and get these as many places as possible. I can't afford people continuing to steal large amounts of them.
ALL ORDERS will be shipped in a vessel suitable for home sterilization in your InstaPot, pressure cooker or rice cooker. There will be a loose alcohol pad you can use to sanitize the surfaces and not take the box inside your home.
Also included will be free instructions on how to do this yourself. All masks and suits come freshly sterilized and packaged.
Please let me know if you need a free emergency hygiene kit. Lady products, toothbrush, deodorant, handsoap.
These are leftovers from my business from Nov 2019. I did not hoard in Jan/Feb/Mar to hurt people.
I've sterilized all of the masks and suits and packed everything wearing lab grade PPE in a clean room.
All items are latex-free with sterilization date/specs clearly labeled on the front of the bags.
3-Ply Surgical Mask (Ammex)
3-Ply Surgical Mask (McKesson)
3-Ply Surgical Mask (generic)
Generic is slightly smaller than Ammex which is a good 1-1.5 sizes smaller than McKesson.
Available TYVEK SUITS, with full hoods:
For free, I offer you the opportunity to show your Internet friends that stacking gold and silver in case of worldwide medical supply shortages wasn't that bad of an idea.
PM please, thanks! And please be safe and well.
Please remember I don't want cash, I am not accepting offers for USD. I do not want shipping money, even.
Edit: I can include a free hygiene kit with orders to affected areas. Includes tissues, toothbrush, soap, alcohol wipes, pads, deodorant. Let me know if you need one, I got you.
Edit: Intro, updated OP.
Edit: The tyvek suits we have left do NOT have booties. Sorry for the confusion. We had one, but do not anymore, as of this update.
Edit: I guess I gotta be forthcoming this is good will donations.. please don't rob us. While we are in positions to help, it's really because we don't have much.
Why not just donate them to those that need this stuff on the front lines, such as folks who are packing lunches for kids that need meals or something similar?
I'd be so embarrassed if I went around morally judging people for what they do with their private property.
I had a patient drop off a box of N95 masks yesterday out of the blue. Earlier this week someone stole every mask I had in the office along with the Lysol. She had surplus masks and she wanted to help her doctors, the pharmacist, and the local hospital. It is next to impossible to order any kind of mask. God bless people like her. She is a hero in my eyes.
It’s your property and obviously you can do whatever you want with it. Good luck.
Haha wow...
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
I’d be embarrassed to post this on the BST if I had just railed in multiple other threads about how this is the end of the world and blaming those evil corporations and bankers of taking advantage of Americans.
Otherwise it’s a free country for now. Feel free to profit in the suffering and fear of others.
My Ebay Store
Obviously the OP was in the PPE business before the business became so important. Anyone in any business is in business to not lose money. As long as he is not gouging with his PM trade price I say entrepreneurship is alive and well.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@Lakesammman Where’s our anti-sheriff sheriff?
Maybe my last line was a bit harsh or hyperbolic.
You are correct. This post of items for sale is not out of line. Op has no obligation to lose money and in fact he has every right to profit from his personal items whether it be business or not.
He has posted several times recently about this crisis the country is in and it seems to me that now is a time that he could do something to make others lives easier and safer. Maybe he already is. None of us know.
Without the other rants as context I wouldn’t have cared one way or the other. Still really don’t. Just bored I suppose.
My Ebay Store
Check out the boredom over on the PM forum.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I wouldn’t say obviously. Claiming to buy these in November, when only the Chinese govt, a few poor souls in Wuhan, and possibly the CIA knew about an impending pandemic, is exactly what I would expect one to do to demonstrate this PPE is as new as possible without implicating oneself in the unethical and possibly illegal trade of highly needed and regulated items. When they were actually bought/procured? Who knows.
And without quoted prices, we aren’t in a position to say whether or not OP is price gouging.
That's what I'm wondering, too. How much gold is the OP looking for to part with this stuff?
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Obviously, based on what he says. If you want to call him (or anyone on this forum) a liar or unethical without proof, have at it.
Regulated items? please explain.
Highly sought after? yes.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I'm assuming this was directed at someone else. I'm just wondering what the ratio is here for exchange or trade. Perhaps I missed it in the OP.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Tell us what you want for it. Saying gold is a pretty steep ask, silver would make more sense. Price it out and you may get some actual interest and demonstrate your ethics as well.
Ask him. Wouldn't be the first person on the BST to overvalue their offering.
Guess I shouldn't offer to trade my excess toilet paper for silver.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
People, including health care workers, aren’t dying in droves for lack of TP.
Fair enough. Guess I shouldn't offer to trade my cases of beans for silver.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I’ll sidestep your first comment to keep it civil. In response to your question though: China, where the majority of this PPE is produced, has limited or prohibited the export of these items. The US is currently using wartime laws to force companies to produce these items, has or is in the process of prohibiting their export, and has rearranged global and domestic supply chains to get this equipment to hospitals where it is urgently needed. If you are found hoarding PPE? You’re likely to get a visit from the FBI (tip: don’t cough at them when they show up to collect it). That sounds like regulation to me.
Yet all that "regulation" doesn't prevent anyone (at least in the US) who has PPE from selling PPE. Quite sure the OP is not violating "regulations" as long as he is not price gouging.
1,291 respirator listings on ebay
9,000 respirator listings on Amazon
All that say he should "donate" the items should remember that they are free to sell their coins and donate the proceeds.
It's not like the OP is offering ventilators or vaccines. He's offering highly sought after face masks and disposable clothing. For those that are without a mask it's easy to make your own.
Apologies to all, I'm just tired of seeing members pass judgement on others here on the forum. Especially when based on assumptions. I do agree with the suggestion made in the second post. But hey, it's not my property, I'll let the owner make his own decision.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
The problem, at least in the US, is not lack of funding, it is lack of access to equipment (and as ventilators only provide about a 20% survival rate to coronavirus patients, while PPE mitigates risk of health care workers picking up and transmitting the virus, and allows them to continue to work, the disposable clothing and masks are arguably more vital).
For the majority of those amazon and ebay listings you mention, you will find the sellers do not actually ship the product. Selling coins and donating proceeds wouldn’t alleviate the shortage of PPE.
Also, and slightly less relevant to the OP… the entire basis of ethics and law is the act of passing judgment on others. If you’re against that, well, complaining about this behavior is just engaging in the behavior itself.
Wow, I remember I got lambasted a while back for trying to trade a laptop for coins, bullion, or whatever.. sportsmoderator even threatened to boot me for it..
But, this is different?
It has nothing to do with morally judging someone. My suggestion simply has to do with putting them to use for a charitable cause instead of trying to profit from them, but they are yours so do as you please.
Surprised this hasn't been bammed yet.
I'd like everyone who has been making moral judgements on this seller to remember this when they brag about their next RIP.
There are businesses that are donating tons of stuff to the front line providers to the detriment of others who need it as well. At the same time, there are plenty of companies out there selling PPE to the general public. Do you expect them to also donate all of THEIR stock as well?
This post should vanish, I have a daughter on the front line. They are short on masks and this opportunist is expecting gold for masks. Unbelievable.
This is the guy that was shaken to the core because 20 year old colleagues/friends were on the front lines in other countries dying. I guess they didn’t have enough gold to buy PPE from him, what a shame.
I work front line in pulmonary/critical care medicine. I have intubated several positive covid patients. ppe is a shortage for sure. lots of concern regarding incoming supply chains and available stock on hand.
Interesting moral dilemma. Make a profit? Donate? Sell to hospital for what he paid? Someone on here trade him and then donate?
I donated 49k masks to my local hospital.
My business donated 6300 emergency preparedness kits. My wife and I donated two pallets chock full of toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, female hygiene pads, all sorts of "crap" we put aside at the end of last year.
I decided to give them away because it's the first time in my life I'm in a position to make a difference. This has been no small feat. I have been hounding institutions for months to take this stuff. We have been running our sterilizers the last 3 weeks straight... to give it all away, free, clean, and safe.
We've had a better response than your federal government and undoubtedly have prevented hundreds of thousands of infections. It's not a stretch to say our efforts have saved lives.
And we've done it free. All of it has been free. We are on our final stretch of our evac plan and I'm a little short on metals. The hospitals and schools and nobody else will take these.
So all of you passing judgment. I've had people spot on me or cough at me, hurl insults, point and laugh with their friends. I'm glad some of you think this is a joke.
And glad to hear the problem only started recently when the TV told you to pay attention. It's easy to pick up on current events when you, ya know, work in it in a professional capacity.
While some of you are on what, day 9? I'm on 90. I'm on my final lap here of fulfilling my civic duty and get what I need so we can get out.
I have pushed PPE on people. Only in America would I believe people turning it down. I don't know about you guys but for the last few months I've seen colleagues, business associates and friends revaged by this disease. Healthy young doctors sputtering and gasping to catch their breath from talking. And it's just a flu to some of you. For shame.
I'm losing a million dollar sole prop full of profits due to this virus. I have held out as long as I can for everyone else. So what if I want something for myself, what have any of you done?
What if I don’t have any gold or silver? Would you take cash or food stamps as a payment?
You should take this to eBay !
I would take some of those masks I only have 1 and I ordered some on Amazon. But I got some silver Rounds from APMEX in my safe. I don’t need many but willing to give a silver coin for some masks.
And thank you for what your doing I am up in Alaska we only have about 250 total cases up here. I guess We’re fortunate. But if your willing to let a small amount I would love to send you a silver coin. It’s just for me but if you want I will also donate a few coins for you in the process. Again thank you for the fight.
No, I'm not selling them. Money is useless to me right now. I want one thing and that's metals because it's all I need. We have all of our survival gear, riot gear and bug out bags... and we fixed up equipment on the farm and our vehicles. We have a surplus of food and medicine and medical equipment. Cash would do literally nothing for me so it may as well not exist.
Wanna know how things are in South America right now? No, no you don't. Stop downplaying this virus before you get people killed.
I bought all this "just in case" I needed them for my business and have done nothing wrong here.
Every situation has been us being a few steps ahead. We have used that advantage to do everything we can to help others. We know we are very lucky. We know many are dying and wishing they were where we are. We are trying very incredibly hard to not be s****y, I promise. It's the first time we have had the resources to launch such a campaign and we are learning as we go.
If 1 person causes 40k infections a month, we prevented what, tens of millions? Just from one effort alone. That's not counting the community effort we are launching which will give displaced people jobs and food and fix the branch of the supply chain solely responsible for disasters like this.
But let me guess nobody wants to hear about that or talk about that and has not interest helping or donating right?
Had I not secured these, some other person would be selling them $300 a box or whatever, never having done any charitable acts; never having dropped sterilized masks in mailboxes at USPS or businesses, leaving folded sterilized masks in tip jars or behind on the counter. We distributed hygiene kits and masks to all of our neighbors and local businesses are performing exceptionally well. Many are working or helping or volunteering.
Two of my businesses have gone around on social media now. I guarantee you've seen a meme with my stuff, or scrolled by it on a feed. A package company turned down 500 masks and suits while there is an active social media campaign slamming them for having none. They turned me down. I will keep trying.
When all is said and done. I did everything I could. I warned people for months while I watched my loved ones abroad drop like flies. I tolerated hate speech and assault continued on. I begged hospitals for weeks to take the stuff and suddenly there was a hash tag and it was magically okay, and it was gone. I was ridiculed and I could just smile because one day they might need my help and I will have the chance once again to be of assistance.
There will be stories about what I've done. My brand recognition will last for a decade. Everyone will remember who helped them stay warm and fed and clean and working, while their government betrayed them and took their money for nothing. People will tell stories about the deeds I've done and how grandma was safe getting her hip checked because that stranger slipped a sterile mask in our mail slot and we will never know who, but were able to go to the doctor safely.
Judge away. I know how many doctors I've helped. I know the differences I've made. I've done right by my fellow man, fulfilled my civic duty to my country, and have fulfilled my role as a follower of Christ. I've heard the impact our roles have had in ICU's and emergency rooms across the country.
Again, I'd love to hear what anyone else here has done. Let me guess suddenly nobody has anything to say right.
So you’re having trouble finding somewhere to donate these? This WSJ article has you covered: https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-you-can-donate-protective-equipment-to-help-hospitals-fight-coronavirus-11585323638
If that isn’t fruitful for you, let me know and I’ll get you more resources.
If you want yours financially for your donations, get documentation from the hospitals and send them to your tax person (though to be honest, having your “brand recognition ... last for a decade” sounds like you’ve already covered your bases there).
Thanks for all your donations, probably wouldn't of got so much flickage had you said this to begin with. Do you have pricing on the masks, so many for a round , so many for one dollar face of 90% or is that to small a deal? Thanks.
What about tin foil in exchange for the PE?
But seriously. It’s not about whether or not you have any moral obligation to donate this stuff. If it’s yours and you want to sell it, more power to you. I’m sure all those millions of masks etc 3m is producing isn’t going to the Gov for free. Whether you donated everything you say or not.
It’s about the optics of it. Good bad or otherwise.
My Ebay Store
Shame on you for listing this and shame on PCGS for letting this thread continue. This is disgusting to see people in dire need and your trying to trade for gold and silver, when items should be donated. You probably have thousands of rolls of T-paper to sell. This is not the place to do what your doing I hope you ass is booted. Did you really think this would go over well.
The above post is the type that is designed to inflame, cast unfounded blame and suspicion, besmirch the OP's name, and generally not following the posting rules.
Many have opinions on the listing, and as others have stated, it is all about optics. The OP did not break any rules by posting.
Why should others get to break or bend rules instead?
Have a good night. Be safe out there.
That's like me saying "There are people starving to death and you've got food in the pantry. Unbelievable."
Maybe you and she should blame her employer. I've got a mask because I planned ahead. PM her address to the OP and request he send her one. Also, thank her for her dedication and service.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Our hospital was low on toilet paper, went to cafeteria at midnight for meal. They were selling toilet paper in Cafeteria...
Who knows.
I don’t really care about selling/trading PPE for PM.
Creative for sure.
Wrong, she is in the business of saving lives, along with many others. What do your children do?
Nothing to do with hoarding food or masks or whatever is in need at that time. Apparently you and the op have far greater foresight than all of the businesses, towns, cities, and countries. Congratulations on that I guess.
I think the op should be ashamed of himself for offering PPE for obviously obscene amounts. Anything for a buck? Not how I live my life. As I understand your take on this; if/when a company is able to produce a vaccine they should adjust prices so only the very rich can afford it and let the masses suffer as they are not sufficiently prepared financially.
10 surgical masks = 3 silver eagles is what I heard as a possible price. No firm offer, but this was the suggestion he PM’d me when I expressed interest. Seems like way too high a price to me. What are these surgical masks (not N-95 respirators) usually costing? Less than a dollar each I would think...maybe a quarter. $25 for a box of 100 would be my guess. No way am I paying 3 silver eagles to get 10 of these masks. Will make our own
CVS charges about $12.50 for 50 surgical masks. 3 silver eagles for 10 masks is price gouging which, depending on your state, is illegal.
The retail price for an N95 mask pre-Covid 19 pandemic was around $1.00 per mask.
He’s not offering n95 masks
The retail price for a surgical mask pre-pandemic was anywhere from $0.10 to $0.25 depending on the supplier and quality.
I’d say if his asking price of 3 silver eagles for 10 surgical masks is true that’s definitely price gouging by just about anybody’s standards.
Glad I'm not in your shoes but this will soon pass!
Sounds like profiteering to me.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire