Roosie Friends, Please Post We Know You're OK...

Hope all my Roosie buddies are well and staying safe. Would love to hear if you and family are well.
Oh, and post a coin of recent purchase.
Here's a few for the times:
Got The Blues?
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Doing well. The street cleaner went down the street twice and I paused Netflix to stand on my porch and watch. Can you tell I’m bored?
No recent purchase as I’m poor.
Later, Paul.
Me and Mrs. Dime are fine.
No new Roosies. 
Trying to stay busy at work(and safe)! Still very few cases in my segment of Appalachia!
Beautiful Dimes!!!
Although I'm certainly not in the " inner circle " of " The Roosie Gang " it is my focus area of collecting.
I was quarantined for 36 hours last week until a contact was cleared. ( I'm a paramedic ). Spending a lot of time and effort tracking down PPE for the company. Working 24 hrs on, 48 off, Wifey is staying home ( out patient surgery nurse ). Lots of Netflix and hot tub time. Missing my grandkids terribly. I believe that is the worst part. Can't wait for this to be over.
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
We in Northern CA were among the first ordered to shelter-in-place. Not much fun, but fortunately my wife and I are currently in good health. Haven't purchased any Roosies in about a month but keeping an eye out in case anything irresistible pops up. Thanks for asking.
State of KY. had 100+ new cases of the virus and 11 deaths yesterday.
I am staying home as much as possible, even though KY. is one state that has not yet issued a "shelter-in-place" mandate.
All non-essential businesses have been ordered to close.
The WORST is yet to come guys.
This virus is not going to disappear like a fart in the wind.
There is no cure for it and it is mutating. If a drug is found for the current strain, the drug may
not work on the mutated strain.
This virus will most likely return in the fall, (and may not go away completely before then).
Sell your stock if you have any, buy gold (the currency of the world), and Roosies.
Stay safe everyone.
Happy to hear all are well and taking efforts to remain that way.
I was able to finally snag a 63P 7fb. That was the last one I needed at that level(silvers only). Only took 15 years.
All is well here in sunny San Diego. Well not so sunny recently. I decided to retire as of March 1.
Nothing new on the roosie front with me. Glad everyone is doing well. Stay safe all
Retired? Congrats my friend; Welcome to the land of "I can't afford expensive coins anymore".
No matter, it's all good when we're not working. Although, I might have to if this market doesn't get better.
So far so good in SW Ohio. Nice dimes. I think I used to own your 50-S!
Since I'm bored I'll give a little history on the 1958D Roosie posted above by rainbowrossie
sometime about 15 - 20 years ago I was contacted by a very well known collector, Richard
Green called me and said, after he liquidated his Roosie collection he kept one special coin, an NGC 1958D MS68.
and wanted to sell it to me. He shipped me the coin and I about lost it when I opened the package.
At the time he was asking 3X what the average coin of the same date would be worth. I didn't
hesitate and bought it. at the time it was in an old NGC holder. about a year later (Lablover)
Jim Green and I partnered up to build a #1 NGC silver Roosie set. The 58D was placed in that set.
at some point along this lien we got the star and FB added. Our set was purchased by a partnership
called " The Arthur Goman Collection" which became the finest Roosevelt dime collection ever assembled.
One of the partners was Dan Close. After a few years the partners split up, divided the set up and sold off
many of the dimes. again somewhere along this time line I purchased the silver dimes Dan Close ended
up with in the split. back to me the 58D went along with 2 other special NGC dimes, the 54S 68FT and 53P
68FT. The 53P is now the PCGS pop 1/0 and resides with Hansen. About this same time period I made the
PC pop 1/0 54S MS68FB and purchased the best PC 58D 68FB of the 3 that existed. I didn't want either of the
NGC coins to end up with PC so I offered them to NGC collectors. (Rainbowroosie) Bill Kelley got first shot.
he purchased the 58D and said he would purchase the 54S next year, If I still had it. Another NGC Collector
purchased the 54S. Bill recently decided to let go of his 58D and that coin was placed with the same
collector who also now owns the 54S. That about recaps the last 20 year pedigree for the 1958D shown
above. Maybe if we are lucky the current owner will chime in and post a pic of these 2 great coins.
Just another Roosie Story
Very cool story! Here’s a picture of the two coins as they currently reside. The 54-S upgraded a few weeks ago to 68+*FT.
I recall the 58D very well; the best 58D I've ever seen!!! What a set Nick and I built, and will always remember the building of our brotherhood, which is far more important then the set. Enjoy the coin, however never forget those that came before you. Especially during the times we're in...
In hand images.

Hi Paul, Jon , and Nick, I have not posted in a very long time, how is everyone doing? Fred
Hey Fred good to hear from you. All is well here. Hope all is well with you
Good seeing you again Fred!
There's just something special about Blue Roosies!
Hi All,
Thanks for posting. It's good to know my buddies are ok and doing well.
Agree. I recall when Colorfulcoins (Craig Harries) was building a set of all blue roosies years ago.
Believe he called it the Blues Brothers.
Sure do miss Craig!!!
Still picking away....
You need to make your set viewable so we can see it.
Perhaps its viewable now?
Nope, try again.
Later, Paul.
Go to your set. Click on Edit symbol. Click on Edit. Click on both boxes. Allow public to view and Published. Then click on update.
1947-D NGC MS68*
I'm delighted to hear my Roosie friends are all well and hanging in there with the difficulties of the day. Take stock of what is of true value, the rest will be left behind. In the next life all that is gained here will be left to someone else.
Set your sights on what is Above! Nothing else compares.
Blessings to my friends...