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Rattler Binge -- Just a Picture Post

DRUNNERDRUNNER Posts: 3,875 ✭✭✭✭✭

Home from school. 205 students turning in work online. Yup . . . I got Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, but the shops in the area are closing down. However . . . figuring out this photo thing . . . so I just need topical relevance, and I will throw a pic out there.

I grab them when I can. Common . . . yes. Slab rarity is a function of daily rate x the number of days. The Doily, NGC 2.0, 2.1, Black . . . . . . . have rarity because of a small number of function 1 and function 2. The Rattler will never be 'scarce' due to a three-year slabbing timeframe. So . . . they will always be older . . . but they won't ever revamp slab rarity as there are just too many of them.

A few fun ones mixed in here . . . . . .




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