What is your experience with Mexican silver?

Is there any particular reason that it carries such a high premium?
I realize that the premiums for all silver are high right now, but $26.82 for a random year Libertad at Apmex with spot quoted by them at $12.83 seems somewhat exorbitant.
What's going on? Are they just that popular? When they are liquidated, is it easy to get some of that premium back?
I suspect not, hence my questions...…..
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
I knew it would happen.
I knew it would happen.
I have not purchased any Mexican silver, but I do see the premiums you referenced and no idea why they are so high. I have some small Mexican gold that I have had for years, but have not seen any special premiums in that area. Cheers, RickO
APMEX is not the best place to get anything ever. They have the most stuff is all