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What is the best way to crack open a slab?

Was wondering what was the best way to crack open slabs and are certain one's easier than others?Thanks

Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!

....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!



  • Here we go again.....

    NO chainsaws, pipsaws, nuclear bombs, hammers, power tools of any sort
    NO wrapping in 10 feet of cloth and shooting at

    It's simple. Just a pair of wire clippers to the edge of a PCGS slab, very simple. You can do one in about 3 seconds with no blood, and no damage to the coin.


    edit........sorry.......cant spell my own name
  • image
  • I would recommend putting your hammer awayimage

    Use Wire Cutters along the long edge. Once you have chipped away on both sides, take off all four corners. Use a screwdriver to force the two halves apart. (USE THE SCREWDRIVER ACROSS THE SLAB WHERE THE LABEL IS!) Do all this over a nice soft cloth. DO NOT PLACE THE CUTTING EDGES OVER THE COIN. I cracked two Morgans like this last week, easy as pie!




    PCGS, NGC, ANACS, ICG, or old PCI:

    1) Elizabethian II Sovereigns (need not be slabbed)
    2) Victorian Sovereigns
    3) 1918-I Sovereign
    4) English 1/3 Guinea any date
  • BowAxeBowAxe Posts: 143 ✭✭
    The following is my own homegrown method, developed because I already owned a band saw. This is copied from comments I made in another thread recently:

    "I don't know how others go about it, but I use a band saw to cut through all four edges of the slab, then while holding the two sides together like a sandwich I brush off the plastic "sawdust", remove one side and lift out the flexible insert that holds the coin (this done over a soft cloth lest I fumble and drop the whole thing), then gently bend the insert so that the coin drops out onto a padded surface. I have had no mishaps (knock on wood!) over the course of a couple hundred crackouts--I am much more likely to drop a coin while trying to put it into a flip."

    The only danger here is that you can't let your mind wander--you have to stay focused so you don't inadvertently slice off your finger.
  • lavalava Posts: 3,286 ✭✭✭
    I am curious BowAxe, why would anybody be cracking out a "couple hundred" coins? Are you sccoping up ACG crap?
    I brake for ear bars.
  • BowAxeBowAxe Posts: 143 ✭✭
    Lava: I've never bought an ACG slab in my life. In search of "perfection" for the holes in my Modern Commemorative Circulation Strike sets (they're under the title "Pittsburgh Collector") I have bought a lot of ICG MS70's cheap and cracked them out to submit to PCGS. This unfortunately has not proven very fruitful, because virtually all of them have come back MS69 from PCGS. However, I haven't lost much by doing this, because the PCGS MS69 commems generally fetch about the same as (or sometimes more than) what I paid for them as ICG 70's. I've also cracked out a large number of NGC's that I had intially had slabbed by them years ago, to resubmit to PCGS.
  • BoxAxe,

    You can send them in, in the slab, and not risk damaging the coin. Put a sticky on each slab that says CROSS ANY GRADE and they will slab the ICG 70's as PCGS 69's for you. That way, you don't have to actually crack the slab and risk the damage.
    Keith ™

  • BowAxeBowAxe Posts: 143 ✭✭

    Yeah, but that's thirty bucks a pop for a crossover compared with ten bucks for a modern submission if I crack it out myself. For $20 less, I'll do the work and take the risk. Also, there is that remote chance (perhaps equivalent to hitting the Lotto) that an ICG 70 actually might make PCGS 70 if you crack it out and resubmit. Doing it as you suggested, with PCGS knowing the coin has come from an ICG holder, I suspect there would be absolutely no possibility of getting a 70.
  • keithdagenkeithdagen Posts: 2,025
    BowAxe, you can submit the coins as Economy Cross for $15 each if you have trouble cracking the slabs.

    PCGS will not cross a 70 without it being cracked. They have stated that publicly in the past.
    Keith ™

  • Coll3ctorColl3ctor Posts: 3,345 ✭✭✭

    Easier than I thought about 20 seconds each with wire cutters.

  • WAYNEASWAYNEAS Posts: 6,901 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Maybe Rip Van Winkle has awakened again.


    Kennedys are my quest...

  • Coll3ctorColl3ctor Posts: 3,345 ✭✭✭

    Kind of felt a little bad cracking this one... ;/

  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,818 ✭✭✭

    I use bolt cutter on the edges

  • Tom147Tom147 Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Much the same as Dan50. Side cutters to all 4 corners. Then just lifts right off.

  • Mail it, via the US Postal Service, to yourself in a six-inch regular envelope...NoJoy will run it through one of his two remaining automatic sorters/cancellers and it will be cracked spectacularly...But don't bother insuring it because you, and everyone who ever reads this, will be dead by the time you file a claim; deal with at least a half-dozen or so postal employees, all of whom claim it's some-else's responsibility and pass it off until it comes back to the first person you spoke with; write a saga longer than all three volumes of The Lord of the Rings and Lonesome Dove, combined, explaining what you mailed, to whom you mailed it, where you mailed to and from, why you chose USPS rather than FedEx (or even DHL) to deliver your precious cargo, what color was the envelope, etc.; and then provide, at minimum, sixty-one notarized statements of the value of the item from certified appraisers. Oh, and each one of these appraisers must be at least 80 years old or older and be accompanied by a birth parent. Easy peasey.

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