WTB: US silver 90 percent coins @ .60 X Spot

Buying US silver at .60 X Spot
Example: Spot is 15.79 X .60 equals 9.47 X Face
So it’s $2.37 per quarter
$4.74 per half
Prices as delivered and payment by check or PayPal after delivery
Price is locked in morning after delivery
Frank D
Still buying silver
Frank D
Frank D
Frank D
I have never heard anyone say
@ .64 X Spot
probably the most confusing way to write it I can imagine
He's paying .64 X spot for 90% silver dollars.
For half dollars .64 X spot X .50
For quarters .64 X spot X .25
For dimes .64 X spot X .10
I like it. Keeps him from having to update his post every time spot changes.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
well i was really just bumping the thread Derry
which I've just done again it seems
See new prices
Spot X .60 equals price per face value
Half dollar 15.79 X .60 X .50 equal $4.74
See original post
Frank D
Frank D
Frank D
Folks- Do not sell to this guy! He is clearly trying to rip you off and take advantage of an already bad situation!
There are many buyers on here that will pay much more than this guy. Many reputable buyers who will pay you immediately and work with you. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE LOWBALLED BY THIS YUTZ
@Relaxn His buy offer has been 0.60x spot for a couple weeks, but you are right that it's low...it was then and is so even more now. His offer now is 7.8x face value.
Disrespecting a members BS&T offering is in poor form. You don’t like it, then pass.
Seller beware is just as important as buyer beware.
Do your homework or your risk of being taken advantage of increases dramatically
Not meant as a shot, just good advice my grandpa gave me many decades ago
in all fairness, ANYONE can post a higher bid/offer here
i wouldn't sell a silver quarter for 4.74
I would sell all I could get my hands on for that price
That is his price for halves....
I had an encounter with this seller and it was questionable.
I knew it would happen.
Looks like he is a buyer now
outhaul is locked up now?