How did you end up here?

As the title says, just curious about the path that led people to appreciating pm’s.
As for me, was a coin collector in my youth, rediscovered collecting about 10 years ago. Put together a nice type set, but then was thinking should I do one slabbed and one raw, then if raw, maybe I am getting taken advantage of on pricing, if slabbed, why not CAC...The coins I still needed were rarer and rarer and the premiums higher and higher, yet if you went to sell. The losses became higher and higher. I started feeling like it was work, what is the return, who is making money off of me. The entire coin collecting arena was becoming multi layered businesses with everyone trying to maximize profit. Also realized that the hunt was most of the fun for me.
Through life experience and reading these boards, I realized that unless you have a child interested in the hobby, your coins would eventually just be sold for cash, and through experience, no family really wants hundreds or thousands of items that may or may not have much value.
Then, walllaaaa! Generic gold premiums low, still a coin...why not collect gold coins at close to melt, kind of scratched the coin itch, but very easy to use derstand investment and what it could translate into in a time of need or liquidation....Simultaneously , I was reaching the age and wealth level where more diversification matters, why not have say 10% in precious metals...So, I started a gold type set ..., Hey I like silver too, but premiums on silver eagles and maple leaves is higher than I like....hey, silver bars are cool....and there are thousands of them....some seem really neat, some seem like mass produced, the LCS sells silver bars at only a little above spot....let’s hunt for some cools ones and try to negotiate a deal....and waaaalaaaa, no certs, no stickers, no greysheet, easy calulation(if I buy this at x, almost everyone/anywhere would buy it for y) worrying about are there enough young collectors entering the market, no slab or cert, or sticker worries...just this is cool looking metal, and I like to own it at this price....worst case, I can sell it tomorrow for a known amount...
So, I got here through a combination of loving collecting coins, but working in business to the point that I saw the coin collecting business was taking to much money from the average collector... I am not a true stacker, but now appreciate the stacker mentality...I also enjoy the hunt and going to pawn shops, coin stores and markets and seeing what I find
How about you, family business, always liked pm’s, family always stacked pm’s, think it’s a good way to make money...always looked for deals at markets and pawn shops?
Just curious
I have collected coins for most of my life... starting way back when silver coins were pocket change. Started stacking long before the price in gold started climbing the big ladder...Was only on a step stool back then
I still collect the occasional coins - attracted by design and condition. Not buying gold now, will wait for a dip....
Cheers, RickO