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It's a jungle out there- bad coins, slabs or labels.

burfle23burfle23 Posts: 2,419 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 8, 2020 2:47PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Not all of the recent fakes and slabs are as easy as these to spot. It does make one wonder what they are thinking when they chose a TPG cert to duplicate.

I advise folks when considering a purchase of a "certified" example to always check the on-line cert as a point of reference. Many of the fakes use a correct and active cert number, but that is the 1st check, does the number actually exist?

From there it is helpful if there is an image of the coin, preferably in the slab for better comparison. If no image on the cert look-up itself there are at times a link to a recent auction where images can be found.

Also, the noted latest auction appearances in this cert are an indicator something is terribly wrong!

And then there are the slabs themselves- several of the top TPGs have good images of genuine slabs to aid in detection.

Certainly knowledge of how the genuine slab should look and a quick look at the on-line cert would make seeing through these latest ones. One of the latest scams is to "upgrade" a lower grade genuine coin in a higher graded labeled holder!

Not sure what to even say about these two, but the cert numbers were reported and the certs deactivated!

And of course the latest deceptive struck counterfeits in genuine top TPG holders are the worse, but that is a discussion better served in another forum...


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