The late date wheat cents do sometimes turn up in circulation in very high grades like that one. Coins of the era were heavily hoarded and the hoarders, who thought they were going to make big money on them, are now passing from the scene. Heirs find the hoards and end up dumping them back into circulation. I have a plastic cent tube filled with coins like that one. I don't really know why I bother keeping them as they don't have much value (at most a few cents each). I just hate to see high grade wheat cents put back into circulation.
Like you, I'd examine it. Shoot it. Marvel at the last of the wheat cents...wonder how it survived. Appreciate that it's copper and all that. 62 years old. Damn.
I occasionally find cents of that age and condition in the 'take a cent, leave a cent' tray by the cash register....I always 'take' them and leave a zincoln from my pocket....Not that they are valuable, I just like the old wheat cents...nostalgia I guess...Sometimes they look as if they just came out of a bank roll...probably did, from an old hoard. Cheers, RickO
It’s nice enough. The kind I put into a Whitman album. Nice find if from circulation.
Ya where’d ya get it?
Typical of an uncirculated roll, not bad.
Collector, occasional seller
Yeah, I like it....has a touch of RB toning to it.
If it was a circ find, it is noteworthy.
I would sell a coin like that for 75c-$1.
Yes I found it
Worth throwing in a album to build you a circ set. Not going to make you rich. About $1 tops
What kind of camera or phone are you using? It has a very good resolution.
iPhone 8
The late date wheat cents do sometimes turn up in circulation in very high grades like that one. Coins of the era were heavily hoarded and the hoarders, who thought they were going to make big money on them, are now passing from the scene. Heirs find the hoards and end up dumping them back into circulation. I have a plastic cent tube filled with coins like that one. I don't really know why I bother keeping them as they don't have much value (at most a few cents each). I just hate to see high grade wheat cents put back into circulation.
Nice looking coin! It toned nice.
nice find
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Like you, I'd examine it. Shoot it. Marvel at the last of the wheat cents...wonder how it survived. Appreciate that it's copper and all that. 62 years old. Damn.
Then I'd spend it.
I occasionally find cents of that age and condition in the 'take a cent, leave a cent' tray by the cash register....I always 'take' them and leave a zincoln from my pocket....Not that they are valuable, I just like the old wheat cents...nostalgia I guess...Sometimes they look as if they just came out of a bank roll...probably did, from an old hoard. Cheers, RickO