A few more oddly toned Peace Dollars

These showed up at my local coin shop, they were in old envelopes and one was in an old whiman coin folder I beleive. I'm not trying to fan the flames on the toned Peace discussion, just showing some different examples of how these coins tone over time in certian holders. I don't believe these were stored in ideal conditions as there is a slight musty smell.
I actually like the color of the last one - the blue 1922! Nice.
Rocking my "shiny-object-syndrome"!!!
The light yellow-gold splotches on the 1923 remind me of tape residue damage.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Very pretty coins. Don't have to be high value to be appreciated.
I like the first one (many colors present), and the last one (blue).
The coins with the yellow splotches seem to be contaminated with some sort of residue....maybe tape as @TomB said...I would recommend an acetone wash to see if it comes off...If it is an organic residue, it will be removed and not affect the coin. Cheers, RickO
I like the 25.