Overall I thought it was a good show but I’ve never met a coin show I didn’t like.
Gold ind silver where doing well recent price jump helped that.
Had over 40 youths attend. There is 24 hr police presence at the show and I
Have become friends with now chief of police officer Lyons.
He gave me this challenge coin and I greatly appreciated it
Thanks for looking
Wow... great post.... felt like I was walking the aisles myself...and that is a GREAT challenge coin (I also collect them)...Thank you for a great report...Cheers, RickO
I recognize some of the half dimes in your photos as those owned by John Frost, formerly in the Stephen Crain collection. He wrote a nice article on 3 of them in the Fall 2019 Gobrecht Journal.

Overall I thought it was a good show but I’ve never met a coin show I didn’t like.
Gold ind silver where doing well recent price jump helped that.
Had over 40 youths attend. There is 24 hr police presence at the show and I
Have become friends with now chief of police officer Lyons.
He gave me this challenge coin and I greatly appreciated it
Thanks for looking
Awesome pictures!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the pics @snizzle.
Wow, lots of neat coins. Thanks. The melted stack from the SF quake and fire is really interesting.
Wow... great post.... felt like I was walking the aisles myself...and that is a GREAT challenge coin (I also collect them)...Thank you for a great report...Cheers, RickO
Great pixs. Liked reading/seeing the "Blob".
Thanks for posting all of the pictures
nice selection!
Lots of awesome old gold! So did you give in and pick up anything or did your will power sustain you? Thanks for sharing
What dealer had all that CAC gold? Looks more like a regional or national than local show.
Very nice pictures.
Looks like a fun show! My wife is from around there. Maybe one day we will be in town when they are doing a show.
It meets the first Saturday of every month except for the regional show which also includes the Friday before.
Great report looks like a great Show with plenty of everything to go around no matter what you collect, Thanks for your report with all the pictures.
those $10 pcgs cac gold coins though. love them - Specializing in Top Pop Type PCGS CAC coins. Subscribe To Our NEWPs Mailing List
I recognize some of the half dimes in your photos as those owned by John Frost, formerly in the Stephen Crain collection. He wrote a nice article on 3 of them in the Fall 2019 Gobrecht Journal.