FY2019 United States Mint Numismatic Side Annual Report Numbers...
Here are numbers for the United States Mint NUMISMATIC SIDE of business for FY2019…
$ in millions Gold, Platinum 2019& Palladium
Units Sold 2019 95,000
Revenue $139.2
COGS $121.4
SG&A $3.4
Net Income & Seigniorage $14.4
Seigniorage $-
Net Income $14.4
Numismatic Net Margin 10.3%
$ in millions Silver Coin Products
Units Sold 2019 903,000
Revenue $70.0
COGS $36.3
SG&A $17.6
Net Income & Seigniorage $16.1
Seigniorage $-
Net Income $16.1
Numismatic Net Margin 23.0%
$ in millions Annual Core Sets
Units Sold 2019 1,294,000
Revenue $44.2
COGS $35.5
SG&A $26.5
Net Income & Seigniorage $(17.8)
Seigniorage $-
Net Income $(17.8)
Numismatic Net Margin (40.3%)
$ in millions Quarter Products
Units Sold 2019 423,000
Revenue $10.3
COGS $8.1
SG&A $7.3
Net Income & Seigniorage $(5.1)
Seigniorage $2.1
Net Income $(7.2)
Numismatic Net Margin (49.5%)
$ in millions Commemorative
Units Sold 2019 694,000
Revenue $58.2
COGS $39.3
SG&A $12.6
Net Income & Seigniorage $6.3
Seigniorage $-
Net Income $6.3
Numismatic Net Margin 10.8%
$ in millions Miscellaneous
Units Sold 2019 552,000
Revenue $21.6
COGS $19.8
SG&A $11.4
Net Income & Seigniorage $(9.6)
Seigniorage $3.3
Net Income $(12.9)
Numismatic Net Margin (44.4%)
$ in millions American Innovation
Units Sold 2019 309,000
Revenue $6.1
COGS $4.7
SG&A $4.0
Net Income & Seigniorage $(2.6)
Seigniorage $3.2
Net Income $(5.8)
Numismatic Net Margin (42.6%)
$ in millions TOTALS
Units Sold 2019 4,270,000
Revenue $349.6
COGS $265.1
SG&A $82.8
Net Income & Seigniorage $1.7
Seigniorage $8.6
Net Income $(6.9)
Numismatic Net Margin 0.5%
Thanks @cagcrisp.
Tight overall margins.....Look for price increases....Though, I would believe there are process and market issues that could have even more effect on the bottom line. Cheers, RickO
We have 6 Lines of Business for the United States Mint on the Numismatic Side that has been around since 2011 (the year that I first started keeping up with numbers). Two Lines of Business have been 100% Down linear since 2011. 100% Down linear Y/Y for Every year since 2011. The “Quarter Products” sold 814,000 units in FY2011 and sold 423,000 units in FY2019 (Down 48.0% since FY2011). The “Annual Core Sets” sold 2,657,000 units in FY2011 and sold 1,294,000 units in FY2019 (Down 51.3% since FY2011). (Note: with the 3 gimmick “W” cents in the annual sets for FY2019, Sales units actually Increased 12.4% Y/Y from FY2018 to FY2019)
Gold, Platinum, Palladium and Silver on the Numismatic Side is just a hit or miss. As far as profitability for Gold, Platinum, Palladium and Silver is concerned, the trend continues to Decline. Profit for “Gold, Platinum& Palladium Coin Products” and “Silver Coin Products” have gone from a profit of $107.3 Million in FY2011 to a profit of $30.5 Million in FY2019 (Down 71.6%)
…NOW…Some would say “Hey $30.5 Million in profit, Why would the Mint be raising prices on Gold, Platinum, Palladium and Silver IF you are making $30.5 Million in profit?” Answer: All other products for FY2019 the Mint Lost $37.4 Million. You not only have to raise prices on the things that are losing profit Y/Y but you have to raise prices on the things that you are currently making profit on because there’s just not enough sales dollars in other products to make a difference.
Taking Complete Lines of Business for FY2011-FY2019 as far as profitability is concerned:
Gold, Platinum & Palladium Coin Products FY2011-FY2019 Profit = $293.3 Million
Silver Coin Products FY2011-FY2019 Profit = $222.6 Million
Annual Core Sets FY2011-FY2019 Profit = $(103.0) Million
Quarter Products FY2011-FY2019 Profit = $(44.3) Million
Presidential & First Spouse Medals FY2011-FY2019 Profit = $(7.7) Million
Commemorative FY2011-FY2019 Profit =$23.3 Million ($6.3 Million in FY2019 from mostly Apollo 11 sales)
Miscellaneous FY2011-FY2019 Profit = $(104.2) Million
American Innovation FY2019 Profit = $(5.8) Million
TOTALS for FY2011-FY2019 Profit = $274.2 Million ((FY2019 was $(6.9) Million))