PCGS Population 1
Hi Folks,
PCGS just started to officially grade the 1815 and 1825 'E' and 'L' counterstamped large capped bust quarters. I sent my NGC one in for crossing at FUN. Coin is back already. It crossed at grade. Right now, it is the only 1815 'L' counterstamp bust quarter in a PCGS holder. Undoubtedly there will be more of this variety, but for now, mine is Population 1. Here is the Coinfacts page:
Here are the images, in order of time taken:
2018: NGC holder, SH View
2020: PCGS holder, TrueView
1/25/20, PCGS holder, SH View
I like my image for this to be a teeny bit brighter than the TV's. Of note, at FUN I talked to Steve Tompkins about these for a good 30 minutes. We discussed alot of the issues that have been brought up here. Steve wrote one of the reference books on bust quarters and has done extensive research on these counterstamps and their origin. He has alot more information he has discovered since then that will shed light on whether this is a mint made CS or if it was done after leaving the mint and potentially by whom - but this is his story he needs to write up so I won't repeat 2nd hand his work here and can only say I look forward to his new research being in print.
Best, SH
Beautiful coin and neat variety. Your photo matches closer to the ngc photo.
Does the “L” mean “light” like on some gold coins?
Fixed url: https://www.pcgs.com/coinfacts/coin/1815-25c-l/785446/53
Snapshots for posterity:
I imaged it in the NGC holder as well. TV vs. SHV is a matter mostly of contrast and exposure, but light source type and location as well. Many times SHV's are nearly identical to TV's, this time a bit more difference.
Best, SH
The Economites who apparently stamped these coins would be impressed!
It is not clear who did the E and L counterstamps. I can say that some authorities on the subject do not favor this hypothesis........
Very cool... Did not know they decided to slab these.... Good idea though. I look forward to more information on the E and L stamped coins... been a mystery for a long time. Cheers, RickO
And then there were 2 - my 1815 L Counterstamp's moment of fame lasted just a few days.......
Fame is so flirtily fleeting in its finality.
Beautiful coin
I look forward to more information on the E and L stamped coins... been a mystery for a long time.
I would expect the origin to be an enduring mystery, remaining unsolved. it seems clear that no records were kept, no origin known and anyone who knew the facts are obviously dead. the Hobby is a peculiar one and I also expect that in generations to come some notion of origin will be accepted as "fact" and everyone will be happy, though none the wiser.
JMHO, but these strike me as an interesting Counterstamped coin and nothing else. the example shown is a very nice coin.
Congrats, that coin is beautifully original.
Is this PCGS's way of saying that they believe this was done at the mint or am I overthinking this?
I know that there are nuances with TPG's grading C/S (like chops on Trade $) but for the most part PCGS and NGC considered "private" C/S as "damaged coins" and C/S done at a government mint as undamaged coins.
nice piece.
I've been looking for one for ages.
Preferably cherry picked
BHNC #203
That is a beautiful specimen!!
nice pick up, I like
That sure is one pretty coin! All the speculation and hype it receives can only but enhance its' popularity.
That is a phenomenal coin.
That's a nice coin with beautiful toning.
Dang, I loved that coin the first time you showed it. It's just about perfect. Some day I will buy one. I hope it is as nice.
I love the stories behind them. I'll have to talk with Steve to get his view. But I like the Harmonist community of Economy theory.