TikTok Outlet Challenge: Is a new Zincoln Better than a Pre 82 Cent
Posts: 1,890 ✭✭✭✭✭
Trying to give the correct advice to aspiring Darwin Award Contestants.
The stupidity of people is mind boggling.... Cheers, RickO
Nature’s way of updating the gene pool...
Stupid is as stupid does.
- Forrest Gump
I would suggest the 43' steel. The arc colors are prettier.
Idiots with cameras and an audience...
Seems like just putting the word "challenge" behind anything will make it spread like wildfire, how about a "Get views with actual content challenge", or "Don't help giving this generation a bad name challenge"
The saddest thing about all these is that people are doing it just for views on a social media platform from people who don't give a damn about them.
Collector, occasional seller
"But the internet told me to do it."
It's probably considered unfair to expect people to think for themselves.
Guess I'll have to try it.
I do recall long ago accidently flinging a cuckoo clock chain that unexpectedly crossed a plug hanging out of an outlet with just enough gap. The fireworks and melted chain would have been entertaining if it weren't so potentially deadly.
"To Be Esteemed Be Useful" - 1792 Birch Cent --- "I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain." - Lily Tomlin
That's just stupid!
Think this would taste better than tide.
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
How is it that there are so many idiots out there today?? it's saddening
The idiots have always been there, it's just that before, they were never able to prove it in front of millions of people in just nanoseconds.