Worth Sending to CAC?

Hello! I have a couple of coins that I am considering sending to CAC and wanted to get others input. I have never sent anything to CAC and so I am not certain exactly what they look for in a coin to determine whether it gets a bean or not. I appreciate any, and all, input on whether any of these would be worth sending in.
1) 1909-S VDB PCGS MS62BN
2) 1909-S PCGS MS62BN
3) 1909 VDB PCGS MS64BN
4) 1914-D PCGS XF45
5) 1931-S PCGS MS64BN
6) 1916-D PCGS G4
Collector of Lincoln Cents (Wheat Reverse) and Winged Liberty Head Dimes (Mercury Dimes)
The answer to your question may depend more on your plans than on the coins themselves. If you will be selling these, having a sticker on any or all of them would be quite advantageous and will almost certainly give you a very nice return on investment. If you are planning on keeping them, there is less incentive to go through the motions, other than the added assurance (above and beyond what you already have from the TPG service) that they're solid coins. Shipping & insurance costs, risk of loss in transit, and having the coins out of your possession must be weighed against the potential benefits.
You can get many opinions here about whether they will get a bean or not, but trying to determine this from photos is a guessing game, and when it comes down to it, none of us carry green stickers in our pockets. Ultimately, there is only one way to find out.
If they were my coins, I'd send them in, but I have a habit of occasionally upgrading and horse trading. You never know when an even better opportunity comes along, and right or wrong, coins are much easier to sell with a sticker.
This. You're giving yourself a little extra liquidity with a sticker. Might want to buff the scratches off the 14-D slab first, though.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
If you are considering selling, yes. Otherwise it’s up to you. I think they are fine as they are.
I see no downside to sending them to CAC. Even if some are lower in value than the threshold for other folks or some might be borderline candidates in the minds of some folks, it doesn't mean that you can't learn something from the process. This is especially true if a piece fails and you are given a reason as to why. Good luck.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Cost versus additional return. If the value goes up enough then it would be a good idea to have them stickered.
Is there still no charge for non-dealers if a coin doesn't sticker? If so, then why wouldn't you?
With coins of this value, the assumption made by many will be that they have been submitted and failed. That only masters if you're selling, of course.
Very nice keys, by the way.
Smitten with DBLCs.
It's your money! I choose to spend my money on more coins!
Not sure if anyone or you are aware your 2’nd 09 S is a RPM @OkieNumismatic or it sureeee looks like one
Thank you!
Collector of Lincoln Cents (Wheat Reverse) and Winged Liberty Head Dimes (Mercury Dimes)
2,3,4,5....would be my choice.Nice looking coins.
I don't know about whether to send to CAC or not, but I love the 09 VDB.
Because I have collector submission ability I would send all but the 16-d and 09 VDB; reason being that I don't think either of those will see enough of a price bump to be worth the cost. The 16-D will certainly up the shipping costs by itself and while I think the VDB is very much bean worthy I have doubts about a bean changing the possible sale value. If you have to send in thru a dealer I would think twice about the SVDB, I have my reservations about it getting beaned and dealers have to pay the cost for each coin bean or no bean. If you are testing the waters and want to see how your thoughts on how each will do then send them all as a learning exercise.
They are all nice coins but shipping is getting expensive so it pays to do some critical thinking beforehand.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I mostly agree, except for #4.
Genuinely curious, for learning purposes, what would keep #4 from getting CACed? I've had many tell me it is a mighty fine example of the coin and was likely undergraded.
Collector of Lincoln Cents (Wheat Reverse) and Winged Liberty Head Dimes (Mercury Dimes)
Maybe it's the photo, but there appear to be a lot of marks on the bust. I really don't see it as a 5 ("undergraded) and it kind of looks like a marginal 4 (which would not CAC). But, it might look better in-hand.
Ahh yes. The slab is scratched up and I need to polish it. As far as scratches on the bust, I do not believe there are any.
Collector of Lincoln Cents (Wheat Reverse) and Winged Liberty Head Dimes (Mercury Dimes)
I would say the center of the Obv. is Borderline Environmental Damage from the pictures myself. It's obvious to me the scratches are on the holder.
Are you guys even discussing the same coin? Based on his comments, I think he meant coin #3, not #4. FWIW.
I like to send coins I think at least are high for the grade on the slab but valued at about $100 or so. I've sent them coins valued less but I don't want to abuse their collector policy.
Send 'em all...why not.
IMO 2,3, & 5 should sticker, nice specimens. Heck, I'll drum up some sort of "LeeBone Approved" something or other to throw on your slab regardless of what the higher ups think.
More than a few times I've had just the opposite result from the Bean Company as to what I thought would happen.
I send them in for sh#%'s & giggles now more than anything.
Or... I could throw on my, soon to be famous, Charlie Brown Approved verification…
Thank you! I do not see any of them leaving my collection but figure why not? I have seen some 1916-D Mercs in PCGS G4 grade get stickered that are not quite as nice as mine. I could be biased since it is mine but I think it is a wonderful example for the grade.
Collector of Lincoln Cents (Wheat Reverse) and Winged Liberty Head Dimes (Mercury Dimes)
Actually, I meant 5 not 4 with the marks on the bust.
But 4 also seems maxed out at 45.
I don't really like lincoln cents, but I like the look of your 09-s vdb. good luck if you send them in
If you are sending even one in I would just send them all in. Pretty cheap educational exercise and some real upside and increased liquidity.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
coin 3 is too common (1909 VDB Philly in 64 BN) to justify the submission costs
If you aren’t selling them I don’t think it makes sense to send them in. There simply isn’t that much educational value in 6 data points to justify spending $14 each plus shipping. You can get free opinions all day of excellent quality. Take them to a coin show. You can also look at thousands of other slabbed coins including those with stickers and those without. (Obviously you might not know if those coins have failed or just haven’t been sent). That is all free and much more educational than a yes/no on a handful of coins. I’d spend your money on your collection rather than a $14/coin pat on the back.
Now, if selling the coins is in your future, then sure send in everything but the 09 VDB (and maybe the 16-D).
@david3142 I dunno know. I’ve seen people on this forum pretty confident in their grading skills send their best coins in to CAC and go 0/5 or 0/10. That I suppose could mean many things. Ive always liked knowing on why something didn’t sticker. That information is there for the asking.
Better to know now then a hundred coins later how your coins stack up “if” you’re into that CAC wise.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
If your selling them, a CAC sticker will get you at least 10% more. A gold sticker can double the value!
You have some nice coins there and there has been an interesting discussion and opinions thus far. I would like to see you submit them and then come back to this thread and post the results. It would be educational for all of us and you would have your 'final' answer...
Let us know your plan... Cheers, RickO