When considering the purchase of a scarce (expensive) PCGS coin how important are. . .
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the other services population reports?
I think knowing there is a chance of a cross-over would the thought of a higher pop report with another service influence what you are willing to pay for a PCGS coin?
Not important at all to me.
If I'm buying a PCGS coin, the thought of crossing it over somewhere else never enters my mind.
It would be of minimal influence. When you get to that level, the populations aren’t totally reliable due to the crack out game.
TurtleCat Gold Dollars
The population reports are so unreliable, that my guess is they are irrelevant. Even those of PCGS...
Not at all to me. Buying it right is.
They're so diluted that I don't really pay that much attention to them anymore.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I think he meant that high populations with another TPG might imply a greater chance of PCGS pop increases from potential crossovers.
It would depend on which series (or issue) it was for me as to how much weight I'd put on it.
If it was rare instead of scarce, you could create your own roster from auctions to see where your coin ranks against the others.
Hugely important if you’re paying up for the finest known....and it’s not
One indicator I look at is how many can you find for sale and how often the coin is auctioned.
Not very important. Auction results, numismedia value guides, grey sheet are imo.
If you are collecting, it is not very important... If you are selling or considering the purchase as an investment, you should consider it..... though the figures are certainly diluted....Cheers, RickO
What do you mean by “scarce”?
The PCGS CoinFacts Rarity Scale indicates scarce means over 10,000 survivors on this page:
I would think that however many are shown ATS that they could all be coming this way at some point. At least a good portion of the better ones.